group chat!

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Your Pov.

Me and Lauren have been talking for the past five weeks and are now really good friends!
Thank god it's Friday - T.G.I.F

I was now in my last lesson of the school day - which was science
I couldn't wait to get home, my mom decided to go on a vacation with her boyfriend, so I guess I'm home alone.

*ring ring ring*

I grabbed my stuff before headed off of the school grounds and started to head home


I finally arrived home and plopped myself down on the sofa when my phone went off

Message from Lauren:

Lauren: heya bbe

Y/N/N: hiii

Lauren: hey so uhm my friends kinda wanna like talk/meet you, so do you mind me putting you in a group chat with them?

Y/N/N: okay sure(:

Lauren: okay give me a sec.

(In the group chat):

Lauren added Y/N/N to the chat.

Dinah: yo!

Lauren: guys this is y/n❤

Y/N/N: hey

Camila: so your the famous y/n, that Lauren never stops talking about (:

Y/N/N: haha yeah

Lauren: damn camz, gotta put my business out there like that..

Ally: hey y/n, I'm Ally❤

Y/N/N: hey Ally, beautiful name btw (;

Ally: aweh ty! I like her already❤

Y/N/N: ❤❤

Normani: waddup y/n? I'm Normani

Camila: I'm Camila (CamEEla) if you need help pronouncing it

Dinah: I'm Dinah!

Y/N/N: hey nice to meet you girls❤

Dinah: same to you! Lauren here didn't want us to meet you :/

Y/N/N: what? why not?

Lauren: uhhh

Lauren has left the chat.

Dinah: okay than..

Camila: maybe it's because she's in love with y/n! ❤

Y/N/N: what? Lauren's not in love with me is she?

Dinah: maybe.. She like non-stops talking about you,

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