Chapter 5 Part 2

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"Hey love! What are you doing here?" Liam asks, stepping out of my view. Oh God, it can't be true. She can't possibly be here. This is all just a dream. Did I fall asleep already? If I did, then why does this not feel like a dream?

"I came to surprise you." The girl said.

Okay this is definitely not a dream. This is a living nightmare. I grab my phone and text Amber.

Me: Who is that girl talking to Liam?

She immediately sent me a reply.

A: You won't like it.
Me: I already do not like it. Just tell me.

Honestly, I knew it was Sophia but I just needed the confirmation who can actually see the girl and not from a girl who is trying not to get caught by hiding in a seat.

A: Its Sophia.

My worse fears have come true. My heart stops, and I feel my blood go cold and suddenly I feel a numb feeling on my hands. My heart suddenly drops down down like a rollercoaster until it sinks deep into my stomach. Immediately, my hands fly over the keypad of my phone.

Me: Get me bloody outta here.
A: Wait. I'll distract her, go sneak off and hide okay?
Me: Okay.
A: Wait for Bri's call. Put phone on vibrate mode.

A few minutes later, I hear Amber introduce herself to Sophia. A few seconds later, my phone buzzes so I quietly leave my tsum tsum on the chair, knowing that Amber will just get it later. I get down on my knees and I slowly crawl past Sophia and Liam. I reach the door silently, before getting on my feet and I open the door and run. I ran out of the dressing room and rush backstage, where I find Harry there.

"Bel, what's wrong?" He asks, worry spreading across his face. I shake my head but he doesn't move. "Bel, what's wrong?" he asks again. I close my eyes and hug myself.

"She, she's there." I say, nearly stuttering on my words. "Who?" He asks. My mind is screaming at me not to trust him, but my heart says otherwise. "S-sophia." I stutter, hugging myself. Harry's eyes widen at the mention of the name.

"BEL!" I hear Liam call out. Shoot. Harry sees my widened eyes and grabs my hand. We quickly run to a place that I don't know the name of. All I know is that it is somewhere backstage. He pulls me inside a room that is labeled "Storage".

Harry shuts the door and presses a finger to his lips while he uses his other hand to lock the door. Almost immdeiately, I hear footsteps coming near the door, and my heart starts beating out of my chest. I hear the footsteps go near the door and my breath hitches. He can't possibly think that I am here right? I mean, Harry locked the door.

A few moments later, the footsteps move away and they slowly begin to decrease in sound. I sigh in relief. Harry opens the door and I step out. I turn to him and smile. Wait what? I'm smiling atHarry Styles, who kept Liam's secret from me, and yet I am here, smiling at me, thankful for his help.

"T-thanks Harry." I say. He gives me a small smile, that shows off his dimples. (A/N THIS IS THE PART WHERE I DIE. jk. I'm not going to leave yall hangin!)

"No problem. But I suggest that you go to the dressing room. I have a feeling Liam is out and won't be back till the dress change." I nod and I slowly go back to the dressing room.

Turns out Harry was right, Liam was not there. I walked over to the hair dressing table and I immediately start packing my things. Who knows? Maybe Liam might come back. So I pack. Fast.

I'm just about to zip up my duffel bag when a voice says from behind me.

"What are you doing here?" The voice asks. I turn my head to the side and I see that it is Sophia. I ignore her, and zip up my bag. I pick it up and sling it over my shoulder. "Hey, I'm talking to you." She says again, this time irritated and annoyed. I ignore her and I walk over to the chair where I almost fell asleep earlier. I grab the Tsum Tsum that is set on the cushion and I open up the bag and stuff it inside. I turn around and head towards the door, but I feel a hand wrap around my arm. The hand jerks my arm rather roughly, forcing to me to turn around.

"How rude can you be?" Sophia asks. Sickly-sweet I may add. I look at her unfazed. "Excuse me, are you talking to me?" I ask her. She glares at me and I see her raise her hand, but she hesitates and lowers her hand. "I'm gonna get straight to the bloody point. Stay the bloody hell away from Liam." She threatens, but I'm not scared. Not even one bit. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at her. "Why should I?" I say with a smirk on my face. "You know why." She says. I cock my head to the side. "I don't even know the actual reason why." I say. "Its so obvious. You're trying to get Liam back." She says with an accusing tone. I immediately burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" She sneers. "Why would I want to get back the man who broke my heart?" I laugh even harder.
"Becuase you still love him." She says and I freeze. Me? Still in love with Liam? How can that be?
I'm over him. I'm so speechless that all I do is roll my eyes. I wrench my arm from her grasp and walk away from her.

"Fine, walk away from me. But just remember. Nothing and nobody can take Liam away from me. Remember, you'll be doing both of us a favor by staying away from him. Remember that." She says. I roll my eyes again and I head back to the hotel.

"Where did you go?" Liam says as I answer the door. "None of your business."I mumble. He sighs. "May I come in?" I open the door even wider. He walks inside while I close the door.

"But it does Bel. You were gone and I couldn't even find you." He said. I shake my head. "Why though?" He asks and my breath hitches. To tell him or not to tell him? But, he is my friend right? I can trust him. But again maybe not.

"Its not that important Li." I say instead and I mentally facepalm myself. Not that important? NOT THAT IMPORTANT? Ijust saw the girl who helped that boy standing right in front of me break my heart and I sy it not that important? Great job Bella. Great job. (Note the sarcasm)

"Are you sure? You don't seem that well.." Liam trails off but I shake my head and try my best to give him a convincing smile. He still looks unconvinced though, I can see it on his face, but he smiles back at me.

"I'm fine Li, really." I say. He nods and stands up and opens the door and walks out, closing the door.
"No. Its done. We're done. We're over Liam." I say, more tears streaming down, and I cover my mouth to muffle up the sobs.

I shoot up in bed, my face caked in sweat and tears are streaming down my face. I turn my head to look at the time. 2:55 am. Really? At this time? I sigh and wipe my face with my arm. I lie down and turn on my side.I think back to what Sophia had said.

Still in love with him? How can that be? I finally moved on. How can I just fall back in love with someone who broke my heart? Is that possible? Its only possible in the movies isn't it?

I just can't. Even if I did manage to fall in love with him again, would he stay this time?

Would I even manage to stay as one piece again?

Baby, Please Come Home (Liam Payne) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now