Chapter 7

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~Bel's POV

    Since Liam sort of yelled at me, I sort of got slightly scared of him. He gets really scary looking if he's pissed beyond imagination. I mean, I act normal towards him but I'm more cautious of what to I'm gonna say. It seems like Liam is doing the same. He wants to forget about him yelling at me, and I wanna forget that fact that Liam was pissed, and I mean really pissed.

Anyways to keep you guys and myself updated, we are currently I think done with half of the tour, which ends in about 6 months. Everything is normal. Sophia didn't do anything drastic, though I doubt she can, I know what? Never mind. It would contain too many curse words.

Anyways.....right now the boys are acting like their usual goofy selves. Why am I in the boys' bus? Because of Harry bloody Edwards Styles, who made me look at his bloody bum because he carried me on his bloody shoulder. Liam, like the savior he was, grabbed my laptop, earphones and phone from my bus and brought it to their bus. So, I'm lounging in Liam's bunk while the boys play Call of Duty on the XBox. They even have Just Dance 2015! Rawr! I wanted to play, but Mr. Louis Tomlinson said I wasn't worthy of playing. So I challenged him to Just Dance 2015 and the loser treats the winner to Starbucks and junk food. And the loser pays the phone bill.....hehe. He agreed and told me that we would dance it out, according to him, after they CoD. While waiting, I go to iMovie (is that right?) and watch some Harry Potter. What?

"BEL! You're gonna dance now!" Liam says just as I reached the part where Harry and Ron have a fight. (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1). I ignore him and continue to watch as the scene unfolds. "BEL!" Louis says this time. I still ignore it. I continue to watch the fight unfold until someone slams the monitor of the laptop and takes off my earphones.

"Hey!" I yell and look up. It was Liam who took off my earphones and stopped me from watching the movie. "Sorry love. Louis told me too." He says and I glare at him teasingly. "You filthy Muggles!" I say and Liam looks at me, his face amused. "Have you been watching Harry Potter again?" He asks and I shrug. "Come on." He says then stands up, pulling me with him. We walk to where the boys are, hand-in-hand. When the boys see this, they all smirk at Liam.

"Ready to lose Bella?" Louis asks, a smug expression. "Oh shut up Squib!" I say and shoot a friendly glare at him. He raises his eyebrow in amusement. "Harry Potter." I say. He nods and then we begin. "Li, choose a song." Louis says chucking the controller at Liam. Liam looks at the different songs, and finally decided on 'Where Have You Been' by Rihanna. The fire girl that looks like she's lived in a volcano all her life appears and the challenge begins. After that, Zayn picks 'Happy' by Pharell Williams. We repeat the cycle. Harry chose 'Best Song Ever' by themselves, and Niall chose 'Maps' by Maroon 5. Liam, who was keeping count of how many stars that me and Louis received, totaled the scores and let us have a look.





YES I WON! "YES!" I yell in happiness and did a little victory dance, to which all the guys, except Louis, who was pouting by the way, laughed. "Aww Louis." I said and squished Louis's cheeks together. "Wits not pfair." He says and I stick my tongue at him and stopped squishing his cheeks. I glanced at Liam and saw that his neck and cheeks were red. Was he jealous? I don't know. Do I want him to be jealous? I don't know. Basically all the questions that revolved around Liam and his jealousy or something has an answer of 'I don't know'. End of story. No questions asked.

Baby, Please Come Home (Liam Payne) *DISCONTINUED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz