Chapter 21

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Riley's POV:

Have you ever felt like your life is falling apart and no matter what you do you can't stop it? Like it's almost inevitable. That's how it feels to have your parents divorced. That's how I feel at least.  It's been months since I've talked to my mom. After our fight she only bothered to call me once, but I didn't pick up. Since then I've received no calls, no messages, no contact from her at all. It basically feels like I've lost my mother....and my sister. 

Destiny hasn't bothered to contact me either. It's like the only relation between us two is our mom and once she's gone, so are we. My mom was the glue holding my sister and I together and dare I say my family, now that she's is my life.

I pull myself out of bed to the day I've been dreading forever. The day my parent's divorce is finalized. I find myself once again crying in my bedroom closet for what felt like hours.  I can't even bring myself to stand up without falling back down again into tears. It's like I can't find my balance and any obstacle in my way triggers me to fall. I finally manage to get up and head out of my bedroom door.

I walk downstairs like a zombie.

"Hey Honey," My dad greets me warmly.

I give him a serious look. How can he be so cheery when the love of his life (or used to love) and him are finally separating? How can he be so cheery knowing how much it's breaking me apart and after yesterday's events?

"Hey," I reply in a blank tone.

"What's up with you," he looks up from his newspaper.

He quickly catches his mistake and changes his tone of voice.

"Riley, I hope you know we aren't doing this to hurt you. We just weren't happy anymore. I think we both knew it deep inside," he tells me but I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to hear the last part.

"If you didn't want to hurt me then why didn't you ask me how I felt? Not once did you ever do that," I yell back.

He looks a little shocked at first. I don't think he understands how much this affected me.

"Whatever," I continue grabbing an apple on my way upstairs to get ready.

I take a long shower taking in the thoughts that have been bubbling in my head for the past few hours and sulk in my sadness. For a moment it feels like I don't exist and that I'm only an idea in my head and I liked it that way.

*Knock Knock* 

I'm interrupted by my dad's loud knocking, "Riley, we have to get going."

I quickly turn off the shower and wrap my body and hair in a towel. I change into a black dress matching my feelings and head out to the car. My dad starts the ignition slowly and drives the car to the court house. When we finally arrive I see my mom and Destiny waiting at the steps for us. We slowly approach them as if they're strangers and in a way they are. Or at least will be soon. We walk into the hallway of the court house and I instantly spot Hayes sitting at a wooden bench a few feet away.

He spots me and I run to him embracing him in a hug. At that very moment I feel infinite. That feelings slowly washes away as I come back to the reality of the situation. 

"We better start," my dad announces to us all as he approaches the courtroom doors.

I sit behind the small wooden wall blocking us from the judge, jury, and etc. Hayes sits next to me rubbing my arms trying to comfort me. I nestle my head into his neck and close my eyes as it starts. Blocking out everything in the outside world I start to imagine that this isn't happening and my whole world is back to normal, but no matter how much I try it never will be.

I snap my eyes open as the gavel hits the coaster thing, "Order in the court." 

When I turn my head Hayes is giving me a sincere look. I smile at him reassuring that everything is okay. The last 30 minutes of the court processing the divorce was a blur along with the beginning of it. Finally the judge hits the gavel once again and it's over.

"That's it," I whisper to Hayes. "Everything is over."

"Everything is not over. Listen, I'm here for you. I felt the same way when my parents got divorced," Hayes tells me.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but I still feel the same," I reply.

We get up and follow my dad out. We're all standing in a group, my mom and dad, Destiny, Hayes, & I. It's a little awkward at first, but Destiny speaks up, "If you ever want to come over, feel free. It's as much my home as yours. Both of you." she adds.

I nod slowly but I have a feeling we won't be going over much. We finally go our separate ways as I step into my dad's car along with Hayes.

"Anyone up for a smoothie?" My dad asks looking at us through the mirror.

How could anyone have a smoothie at a time like this? Hayes seems to notice that I'm about to get angry so he quickly steps in, "Sure, thank you."

My dad nods his head. 


We finally arrive at 'Very Berry'. I order a mango smoothie, Hayes orders banana, and my dad strawberry. We sit in silence for a few minutes, but my dad speaks up, " I hope this doesn't change anything between us."

I smile to my dad because I can tell he really means it. It gives me a little hope that this family isn't a total screw up and that things can get better.

"It won't," I reply slowly.

We finish our smoothies and pay for our drinks. 

"I have a couple errands to run, so would you two mind walking home. We're about 3 minutes away from our house," My dad announces checking his watch.  

Hayes and I both nod simultaneously.

Hayes's POV:

I'm a little hesitant to start asking Riley questions since it happened so soon, but I just want her to feel better without hurting her by accident.

"Soo," I blurt out.

"You're free to ask me about the divorce," she replies quickly as if she read my mind.

"Okay, so how are you feeling," I ask.

"Mad. So freaking Mad," she says clenching and unclenching her fists.  

I pull her into another hug. One that felt like the thousandth. When we separate a tear escapes her eyes.

"I feel like I've been crying forever," she states.

"You don't have to cry anymore, I'm here for you," I wipe away the tear rolling down her cheek.

We finally arrive at her house. Riley inserts the key into the door nob and opens the door slowly.

"This house reminds me too much of old memories, but what can I do. It's my home," Riley replies swinging her arms around carelessly.

"I have to change," she announces walking upstairs.

I nod my head and make my way to he living room. When Riley comes down she's wearing monkey socks, grey joggers, and a black sleeveless tee that says Feeling Myself. She plops down next to me.

"Wanna watch tfios," I ask jumpily. 

Riley nods her head. The movie starts and I look over to Riley. She looks more sad than usually due to her parents' divorce, but it's different. She seems depressed. Like she was feeling this way before the divorce and the divorce just added onto it.

"Anything wrong you wanna tell me about?"I ask curiously.

She hesitates a little but then just shakes her head. I rest my head on her shoulder waiting for the intro to the movie to come and close my eyes....

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