Chapter 37

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Riley's POV:

I'm currently sitting in the car with Hayes's mom having the time of my life. I don't think I've ever had this much fun with my mom, even before the divorce. She's always been the serious one out of the two. Whenever Destiny or I did something wrong, my dad always took it lightly. My mom on the other hand.....let's just say I once wasn't allowed to leave my room for a week. At all.

I roll down the window letting a huge wave of wind blow my hair back.

"Whoooo!" I yell in exhilaration.

Elizabeth chuckles, "Enjoying yourself?"

"More than ever," I sigh heavily.

I love the rush I'm feeling right now. The fact that my parents don't know where I am and the idea that I'm on a romantic rendezvous to reunited with Hayes. Every aspect of this trip just makes me feel so alive.

"We're almost here," Elizabeth announces.

"I'm so nervous every right now," I admit.

"Why?" She asks. "It's just Hayes. Hayes isn't one to get someone nervous."

"I get nervous every time I see him. It's like I have a million butterflies in my stomach," she smiles to me.

"I remember when I felt that way about Chad," she smiles at her memories.

We arrive at Chad's (Hayes's Dad) house in the next five minutes. We stay silent as our distance from the car and Chad's house lessens.

I can feel the tension building up in the air. Maybe this trip wasn't such a good idea.

Elizabeth is breathing hard and I can feel my palms getting sweater by the minute. We pull up into the driveway.

I sit in the car patiently waiting for Elizabeth to lose her nerves. She is rubbing her hands together frequently and breathing hard.

I place my hand on hers, "It's going to be okay. We're going through this together."

She stops rubbing her hands together and looks at me, "Let's do this."

We get out of the car and slowly walk to Chad's doorstep. I push the doorbell.

*Ding Dong*

I shutter at the sound. It just makes me more nervous than I already am.

We wait for what seems like forever but in reality is only 30 seconds.

I hear the loud clicking that tells me the door's about to open soon and honestly, I haven't prepared myself enough for it.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," I turn back to Elizabeth.

"It's too late now," she replies nonchalantly. Someone who I imagine is Hayes's father opens the door. He has bright blue eyes like Hayes and Nash so I know for sure it's him.

"Hello, may I help y-.....Elizabeth," he stands there dumbfounded.

"What do you want?" he asks bitterly.

"To get my son back," she states calmly.

"He wants to stay with me," he replies coldy.

"That was only for a day. After a week he'll come running back into my arms. That's why the term is 'Momma's Boy', not Daddy's," she smirks in satisfaction of her comeback.

I just stand there silent watching back and forth as the conversation unfolds.

"Who's this?" he asks finally acknowledging my presence again.

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