Chapter 32

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(Warning: short chapter!)

"Love birds." Michael sighed. He was transported again to another dimension again.

He walked. But the dimension resembles to the world of the living. Where... Where his siblings died.

"Well, well, well, look what we got here." Someone said.

Michael looked at his back. His eyes widened. "J-Joshua?! Michaela?!" He gasped.

"Fancy seeing you here brother." They said.

"W-What the-" Michael can't say a word.

"We're sorry." They said and gripped each other's hands. "This is just ordered!" They said and spiky vines appeared on their backs and it catched Michael.

"Big brother. Do you know that Ken died." Joshua said while struggling Michael.

"W-What?!" He said wide-eyed.

"He was killed by his girlfriend, Jessa, was it?" Michaela said.

"You're lying right?" Michael said.

The grip on Michael's neck tighter. "Bullshit! Stop blabbering nonsense big brother!" He hissed.

"Accept the reality, brother." Michaela said, looking down.

Michael can't say anything. But suddenly he kicked Joshua sending him flying.

"Kill me." He said.

"Why?!" The two asked in chorus.

"Because... because... because I'm the one who killed you two." He said.

"We forgive you in a long time brother! There's no point killing you!" Michaela said.

"But if that's what you want then fine." Joshua said.

Michael looked down he opened his arms wide. But suddenly the two hugged him.

"We love you big brother and we're sorry." They said.

Michael hugged back. "I forgive you too." He said and the two stabbed Michael on the chest.

Hide and Seek Book 1: Book of the Urban LegendWhere stories live. Discover now