02 | Of Decaf and Espresso

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HE ISN'T ALWAYS an arsehole though.

I wiped coffee off my fingers with the front of my apron, my eyes subconsciously gravitating towards the clock on the wall.

6.24 pm.

I hastily tied my blonde hair in a messy bun, ready to clean up the coffee shop before the closing time. As I swept up the random coffee beans that scattered the floor of the back kitchen, I made myself a strong espresso and a decaf for a certain someone. Maria, who was manager of Bean There Cafe, was quite fond of me, and always let me have a free sip or two of coffee, another reason why I loved her jolly self. As I waited for the espresso to brew, I heard a ding from the cafe's door as it opened, a gust of wind following it.

"Ashley dear, he's here again!" Maria called from the counter, her voice as deep and sweet as honey, like that of a mother's.

"Coming!" I hollered back, carefully balancing the steaming cups of coffee on a tray as I trudged out of the kitchen and to the front of the shop, to an awaiting boy. Levi was sat on the counter beside where Maria stood, legs swinging dangerously. He's made it a habit of his: to come to Bean There Cafe right before the shop closes so that he could walk me home after work. I found it cute, in a way.

"Come on, Mrs. M; I'm a regular so I must deserve some sort of discount. At least eighty percent off."

"Lad, you're even lucky I haven't kicked you out of this place yet. And get off the counter! Damn teenagers these days. I remember the blokes back in the day, they were true gentlemen." Maria tutted, large hips swaying, bosom bouncing; and she moved around, wiping the counter with a wet cloth.

"Mrs M, we all know you love me. In fact, all the girls love me."

"Not me," I butted in as I placed the tray down on the counter.

"Ah, hey Ash. The usual, and make it snappy." Levi teased me, a little grin on his face.

"Yes master," I replied sarcastically. Setting the cup of decaf down beside Levi, I took a sip of my espresso, watching as he greedily gulped his beverage. A few strands of wavy dark hair fell into his eyes, tumbling down from his loose man-bun (as I like to call to it). I've told him he needs his hair cut, but according to him, it 'keeps the ladies happy' or something along those lines.

"You haven't changed a bit."

"Huh?" Levi looked up suddenly, chocolate eyes wide and almost innocent-like. The cup was removed from his mouth, and a foamy cream mustache formed above his pink lips. I laughed at how adorable he looked at that moment.

"You still drink decaf?" I asked him, a hint of incredulity in my voice.

"Yes, and what wrong with that?"

I shrugged with a light smile and took a long sip before responding.

"Decaf is for the weak."

There were times when he was sweet, cute and funny.

"Let go of me! Get me the fuck down!" I struggled against Levi as he carried me over his shoulder and towards the door of the coffee shop, our warms cardboard cups of coffee left behind.

"You call this weak?" Levi laughed as he strolled outside, the cold breeze hitting my thighs as my skirt lifted higher. I'm sure by now Levi had seen my strawberry-patterned panties, but I think he chose not to comment.

"You kids be safe now!" Maria yelled from the door of the cafe. I didn't even have to look at her to know she was shaking her head in disappointment, despite the light smile that would be etched on her lips.

"Don't you worry, you old woman," Levi shouted back, a playful tone in his voice as we headed on home.

I liked that side of Levi as much as I liked his arsehole side.

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