Finding The Lair

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We all walked back to the Lair.It had been months since we've been there.

"So,Leo,how'd you find us?"Donnie asked,mesmerized.

"Well,I searched...a lot...and failed...a lot...but finally found you."

Donnie nodded,kind of dreamily.It was weird...and I was starting to get a bit suspicious...

Mikey interrupted my thoughts,"You'll never guess who captured us!"

I looked at him."Who?"


Baxter?Seriously?Well,I guess that explains the reason why they were all alone for a bit.

"Yeah!He fell in love with this girl over here..."he pointed to Anastasia,"what's your name again?"

She face-palmed her face."For the 167th time,Mikey,my name is Anastasia!And I remembered your name!"


We continued walking without a word.

We got to the front of the lair.

I dropped to his knees.Mikey cried on Donnie's shoulder,while Donnie looked at the piles of ashes in depresses awe.Raph ran into the ashes and started picking things up,but the dust kept flowing out of the sides of his hands.Anastasia just stared,not knowing what to say or do.

Still ashes.

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