Something's Wrong With Michelangelo

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Mikey...what was wrong with him?Michelangelo...wasn't shocked that I asked that kind of question?Something has to be wrong...

Sadly,right before Donnie was about to answer the question,I spoke up.Sadly.

"Mikey,come with me for a moment..."I gestured him to come with me.

We walked into the sad ashes of our home.

"What's up,Lee?"

"'ve been to put it...well,strange lately.Do you want to tell me what's wrong?If somethings bothering you?"I asked softly.This was always the way to go with Mikey.

He basically ignored me."Want pizza?"

"What kind of answer is that?!"I yelled,totally losing it,"MIKEY!Listen to me now.There's something wrong,and I know it,so we'll do this the easy way,or the hard way."

He backed up a bit,"I was just asking if you wanted pizza..."

"No,Mikey!I asked you a question first.I will answer your question after you answer mine."

He gulped,then stopped backing away."Fine."'s all I have to

I stopped walking and listened."Well...there's this...chip thingie in me and it's very uncomfortable..."he complained.

Ah.There's the Mikey I know and lov--wait?CHIP?!WE NEED DONNIE NOW!

I grabbed Mikey's arm and sprinted towards were everybody else was.

I stopped to see that they were...

Playing cards?

"Go fish!"Donnie cried,a smile on his face.

"Donnie,we're playing Crazy Eights,not Go Fish"Raph groaned.

"No,guys,we're playing Three Way Spit,not Crazy Eights or Go Fish!"Anastasia yelled,obviously frustrated.

"DONNIE!"I yelled over the noise of the fighting.

Everyone grew silent and turned to me."There's something wrong with Mikey."

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