Chapter 9

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*Emma's POV*

I flip over on the couch and my eyes flutter open. I see Regina and Henry sitting on a leather chaise together, and clearly they were doing something or talking about something they didn't want me to know about. I can see it in the way they're sitting.

I sit up and sigh. "Hello, my two favorite people in the world." They both beam at me. "What are you hiding from me?" All of our smiles melt off of our faces.

"I, uh, um..." Regina stutters.

Henry sighed very loudly. "Mom ran into grandma at the grocery store."

"Damn it, Henry!" Regina exclaimed, rolling her eyes and throwing her hands in the air.

"You what?" I replied angrily.

Henry cowered in his spot. "This is why I wasn't just going to blurt it out, Henry." Regina scolded him. "Now go to your room so I can speak to your mother." He nods and runs up the stairs.

"So. My mother." I spit at her. She nods slightly.

"Yes, I was at the grocery store when I ran into your mother."

"And?" I said impatiently.

"She asked about you. She wanted to know how you are. And I went all Evil Queen on her." Regina replied with a smirk. "Meaning?"

"I said 'I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do if you come near Emma again.'" I smirked at this. Of course she said that.

"You're the best girlfriend ever, you know?" I say, getting up and sitting on her lap. She nods. "Mm, dear, that would mean that you aren't in that slot. So no, I'm not the best girlfriend ever." She quickly leans in for a kiss, which we both smile into.

"Sex?" I suggest, pulling out of the kiss after a few minutes for air. She nods, and leads me to the steps seductively.

"Henry! Your mom and I are going to have sex, so don't bother us for a few hours!" I yell out, making Regina blush and then burst out into laughter when Henry screams back.

"OH MY GOD MOMS, TMI TMI TMI!" He screamed, disgusted.

And we had an amazing time that afternoon.


*Regina's POV*

I flopped down on the bed and pulled the sheets up, panting. "Woah..." I whispered, and Emma nodded and smiled. "Yeah, woah." She replied, panting as well, and grinning like an idiot.

"You're adorable when you're naked." I said, turning on my side to face her. She beamed. "You're even more adorable." I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I kissed her.

"You know, dear," I said, sitting up with a sigh. "You really should talk to your mother. This isn't healthy." Emma sighed. "Yeah, I know. I'm just really dreading it."

I nodded. "Do you want me to come with you?" I suggested, trying to help the situation. She nodded.

"Probably best to talk to her together." 

"Yeah." I replied, and it was silent for a few minutes after that. We exchanged a few sighs every 30 seconds or so - but eventually, I rolled out of the bed and looked in my closet for something to wear. I pulled out an outfit and flashed it on. Red, tight dress with a decent amount of cleavage showing and some black heels. I look over at Emma and she's biting her lip.

"I wish you could just take them off..." She said seductively. I smirked. "Now, my dear, time for that is over. Get dressed, I'm ready when you are." 

She laughed as she got out of bed. "Uh, no you're not." She ran her hand through my ebony hair, getting it caught multiple times. "Right. Shit." I flicked my wrist once more and my hair lay flat on my head. "Better?" 

"Better." Emma said, and then flicked her own wrist, dressing herself and brushing her hair. She has on blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a red leather jacket. Her iconic look.

"Now, let's go face your mother." 

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