Chapter 13

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The Captain’s Jewel

Chapter 13:

Carriedo paced up and down his quarters while his wife; Rowan Carriedo sat on their bed.

“You’re going to have to explain to me dear.” Spoke Rowan, “I want to know what is going on with you and Kirkland.” Carriedo turned to his wife and kissed her affectionately on the forehead.

“Mi amor, I’m afraid I cannot tell you everything.” He replied, Rowan pouted and he chuckled. “But I can tell you this though, what Kirkland and I have planned will bring an end to our rivalry and provide peace for our families.” Rowan placed her hands upon her husband’s.

“Do you really believe that?” She asked him. Carriedo held his wife in his arms and sat down beside her.

“I do,” He replied. “I do.” He placed a hand on Rowan’s abdomen. “Maybe you should return inland mi amor.” But Rowan frowned and swatted his hand away.

“Of course not!” She cried, “I will stay here.” Rowan gave Carriedo a soft smile. “I would rather have our child born here on this ship, on the sea than anywhere else.” Carriedo returned her smile.

“Right.” He said, “Out child will be brilliant. And speaking of children, I have not seen my nephew Antonio in a while. He should be seven now I suppose.”

“He is a lively child just like his father.” Rowan smiled at the thought.

“I should go visit soon, I also have something to tell my brother as well.” Carriedo sighed as Rowan leaned by him.”

“Shall we go tomorrow then love?” She asked.


“Rowan Carriedo?” I ask the man. He nods and turns to me.

“Yes, your mother.” I grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him down to my level, no one in the tavern notices.

“What does Kirkland want with my mother?” I hiss at him but the man shrugs.

“Sorry, but that’s something even I don’t know.” I release him and he rubs the back of his neck. Why on earth would Arthur want my mother? Don’t tell me he believes I hid the map with her? I don’t even know anything about a map. “You should tell him where your mother lives lass. It’s in your father’s interest.” I stare at him bewildered.

“What are you talking about? My father’s interest?”

“All will be explained later. You father told me all those years ago when I asked him.” I stare at the ground sadly. It’s like my father has some sort of elaborate plan, and his own daughter doesn’t know about it. The man pats me on the head.

“Trust your father concha.” I snap my head towards him as I heard the name he called me.


“You have your mother’s spirit, and your father’s skill. You are a wonderful child concha, don’t let these unfortunate events prevent you from developing your potential.” He turns away, “Also, tell my son Antonio to be strong.” And with that he vanishes; leaving me in the midst of the chaos of the tavern. I have never met Antonio’s father at all until now. Father said that he was a nice man and that he can be trusted. I wonder how Antonio will feel once I tell him about this encounter. Suddenly a hand is placed upon my shoulder and I spun around, slapping the person behind me in surprise.

“Ow you git! What did I ever do to you?!” I blink when I see Arthur irritably holding a hand to his bruised cheek. I choke back a laugh.

“Are you sure you want me to answer that Kirkland?” I ask in response to his question. Arthur flushes before muttering a no. His eyes glance around, probably looking for my uncle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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