Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"Ah, miss Fernandez. Can you come help me for a bit?" Asked Arthur as he beckoned the young woman towards his desk. He had invited her to his chambers in hope that she could help him figure out something on the world map. The young woman made her way to his desk and stood by him, looking at the map eagerly.

"What is it Arthur?" She asked. Arthur stared at the map for a few more seconds before he turned to her.

"Well, remember when I asked you about Carriedo's jewel?" The young woman nodded. Arthur smiled and turned back to the map. "You see, I've been trying to figure out a general area in which he could have hidden his jewel in. I know I don't have any leads or the right map but at least it's a start." The young woman glanced at the map with interest.

"I see." She said. She eyed the map and placed a finger on her lip in thought. "Maybe he could have hidden his jewel near his home? Or even near Port Carol." Arthur considered her suggestions carefully.

"Hm..there is his home in Barcelona." He said quietly, "Port Carol does seem like an option...and then there's his wife in London..." The young woman looked at Arthur in surprise.

"How do you know about all of that?" She asked curiously. Arthur glanced at the young woman with a smirk.

"My dear miss Fernandez." Replied Arthur, "I am a pirate who wants this treasure greatly." He slowly advanced towards the young woman who ended up backing into the wall. The young woman blushed at their close proximity but Arthur kept his smirk. His eyes held a certain glint in which the young woman could not name. Arthur leaned into the woman with his arms on either side of her on the wall; their chests almost touching. He leaned his forehead so that it was touching the young woman's.

"And when I want something love, I'll do anything to get it." Arthur chuckled and pushed himself off the young woman. "And getting as much information as I can is one way." He said in a casual manner as he made his way back to the map on the table, leaving the young woman frustrated and embarrassed by his actions.

"R-Right.." She said. She brushed herself off as if to calm down before walking over to where Arthur stood. As Arthur stared at the map he sighed.

"If only I had the map that Opal has. I hear that the map leads directly to the jewel." Spoke Arthur. The young woman stared at him skeptically.

"How do you know he has the map?" She asked. Arthur shrugged.

"It was a piece of information that I was given. I know it seems flimsy but Opal seems suspicious enough."

"That's why you are going after him?"

"Exactly." The young woman frowned slightly, knowing exactly what she was getting herself into. Without realizing, the young woman placed a hand upon Arthur's on the table by accident as she thought. Arthur glanced briefly at the young woman; a small smile ghosting upon his lips. He then looked back at the map, the sensation of the young woman's touch giving him a pleasant, tingling warmth within him.

"I believe you have something valuable of mine Miss Opal, and I would like to have them back."

Something valuable of his? What is he talking about? I understand that he might know about Peter but he said 'them.' What is the other thing? Antonio's men advance slowly around Arthur's as Arthur advances towards Lovino and I. I grip my cutlass and point it at Arthur.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. Arthur chuckles darkly as he points his cutlass towards me.

"You know what I'm talking about." He says. "My brother for one, and the map to Carriedo's jewel another. I take it you know where it is since you yourself did give me a general idea to the location. I thank you dearly for the help." Lovino stares at me in surprise but I give him a look which told him to stay quiet.

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