Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"My father? And his enemy Captain Kirkland?" A girl of the age of sixteen sat on her bed in the middle of the night with a book written by her father. It was definitely similar to a Romeo and Juliet story, but the girl had never heard of this version before. She began to read on, "Both pirate families had hated each other since the beginning of time and have always rivaled each other. Although the current Captain Carriedo and Captain Kirkland had secretly wished to end this ordeal. The Captain's Jewel would definitely put an end to this, but whether the deal involving the two families will end graciously is still a mystery." The girl stared at the page confused, she had no idea what this was talking about. What exactly is the Captain's Jewel? And what is the deal surrounding this treasure? Will it really end this ordeal? She had no clue. "Captain?" the voice of the girl's first mate Tyson whispered from behind her door, a soft knock followed after, "Are ye awake lass?" the girl replied,
"I am, Tyson." she stood up and placed her coat over her nightgown. She walked over to the door and opened it only to find her body guard Brian at the door,

"Sorry [Name] but Tyson and I need to talk to you for a bit." the girl nodded and followed Brian up on deck. "I see ye read yer father's book." spoke Tyson as Brian and the girl emerged up on deck, "Are ye confused about it?" the girl nodded, "I figured ye'd be confused. When yer father spoke to me about this ordeal I was confused myself." The girl walked up to Tyson, "Do you know what the Captain's Jewel is then?" Tyson shook his head, "Sorry lass, of all the things yer father told me he never mentioned what the Jewel was, nor what the deal was about either." Brian placed a hand on the girl, "You'll figure it out Captain, you aren't our Captain for no reason you know." Brian chuckled at his comment. "But we better be wary of that Kirkland guy to be on the safe side." The girl agreed with Brian, since she was supposed to protect the jewel, contact with Captain Kirkland would be dangerous after all, his son might not wish for this ordeal to end. The girl made up her mind to end the ordeal once and for all, that would be what her father would have wanted.

I almost began clean one of the last pots that was on the counter only to find Joseph dismissing me with a smile. "That's enough Amor," he says, "Get yerself to bed, ye'll be up early tomorrow to make breakfast." I nod and thank him. As I walk up the stairs to the hallway I bump into Kirkland,
"Oh Miss Fernandez," he says to me tipping his hat with a mocking smirk, "Ye'll be sleeping with Peter fer the night. His room's next to mine." He dismisses me and I walk up the stairs while he approaches Joseph. I stop once I get to the top of the stairs and eavesdrop for a bit.
"So how's the lass doing Joseph?" asked Kirkland, I hear his boots across the floorboards as he walks to the counter.
"Amor? Well she's doing quite well and I enjoy 'er company. Her english is very good for a Spaniard." replied Joseph cheerfully. Kirkland grunts,
"Yes, too good apparently. It makes me suspicious of 'er." I freeze and hide myself in the hallway to avoid being spotted from the stairwell.
"Now Captn' ye mustn't be suspicious of a lass like 'er." jokes Joseph, "If yer suspicious all the time ye'll never be popular with the women!" Both Joseph and the Kirkland laugh at his comment.
"I suppose yer right there Joseph, but I can't help but notice how similar she is to that rugged pirate Antonio Carriedo." I hear Kirkland's boots move towards the stairwell, I quickly and quietly then scuttle away towards my new room.

When I swiftly and silently enter my room I am greeted with a boy around the age of twelve with dirty blonde hair and sea blue eyes. He also has the same eyebrows as Kirkland does. "Hello there! You must be my new roommate!" He bounds towards me and childishly shakes my hand, "I'm Peter Kirkland! It's very nice to meet you Miss Amor Fernandez!" I smile and chuckle at how sweet he seems. It's actually quite refreshing compared to being surrounded by grown men most of the time. Wait, did he say Kirkland?
"Are you related to the Captain Peter?" I ask him, Peter immediately frowns and crosses his arms.
"I hate to admit it but I really am related to that jerk-of-jerks Arthur." he says glumly, he must really not like his brother.
"Is he really such a jerk Peter?" Peter's head jerks up and he drags me to one of the beds, we sit together face to face.
"You have no idea!" he starts, "He may seem all kind and gentleman-like at first but he's really mean! He never pays any attention to me and he always tells me to get out of his way! He's always yelling and he's never nice to anyone! In short he's one big meanie!" I can't help but feel sorry for Peter. He hasn't done much and he seems to be treated badly by his own brother. Although I can't help but feel like I've seen him before.
"Hey Peter," Peter's attention switches from Kirkland to me, "Are you from London by any chance?"

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