Chapter 8

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I can't ever remember to update. That saddens me. Like damn, okay then.

Well, here's another update. Guys, I am so sad. This book is about to end, really really soon. There is gonna be one or two chapters left. It's so sad.

Here's to this chapter


Louis' POV


The voice was bittersweet. She sounded as if she didn't want to be there, at all. As if she didn't want this visit to happen. I didn't move. I stayed in the same spot and my eyes stayed glued to the stars.

"Hey, Eve." I said, quietly. She came around every once in a while. When I first met Eleanor, she was standing behind her smiling. She set us up and she was happy that I was smart enough to ask her out. She kept smiling and slowly faded as me and El shared greetings.

She came around late nights when I was on tour, having a hard time. When I missed family, when I felt overworked, when I felt like my world was caving in, she was there. We had short and simple conversations, although that was all it ever took to help me.

Her visits weren't always often and the more time went by, the shorter and less frequent they had gotten also. No one really understood why she slowly started leaving. She did the same with the other guys, Carly too. Here she was though, seemingly mad of the fact she was standing here. What was wrong?

" You guys did amazing. I would of killed to see it physically live." She let out a small giggle that came with a sigh, like she knew that it just wouldn't help the mood. The quiet took over again. The river rushing and the cars going past were the only thing heard. My mind wasn't even focused on her. This has been happening a lot lately. My mind just forgets we can still see and talk to her. I think to how we made fans happy tonight and how they screamed for us. It wasn't until Eve sat directly in front of me that I got worried. She was transparent. She was only this way when she left at the end of our meetings, why was she this way now? Was she leaving mere minutes after coming?

" Pittsburgh did always have a disgusting beauty to it." She lightly smiled. " As much as I always wished to leave here, I would do anything to be here again, even for a simple day."

I smiled at her and looked back up at the sky. The silence was always good enough for me when she was here.

" I'm proud of you, you know." She whispered out into the night, as quiet as the sleeping mice that were probably right around here. I gave her a questioning look before she went on. " You've come a far way from where you were to where you are. You've grown and learned. You did it without letting the fame and money and fans seep into you and take you over. I'm so proud you didn't hold onto me and found another. I'm proud you found a happiness stronger than the power you never even knew you had. I'm so proud." She paused, looking around at the large football field we had played. She had a smile playing at her lips but, it never became full. It disappeared as fast as it had just came.

"I'm leaving." She said, refusing to look me in the eyes. The words left her lips with a bitter sound and a horrible meaning. Leaving? What? It was like she could read my mind, which she probably could. " You're happy. You've found your happiness. You've found the way you need to live and you've found the meaning of your life and understood it. I am only to be here until you found your happiness and when you were okay? I had to leave. That time has come, my dear." Her voice got lower and lower as each word dripped from her mouth in a way I never thought possible from such a sweet, innocent girl.

"I wont be happy without you. You kept me going on nights I had no one! You can't just fucking leave!" I stood up, yelling at a level I knew could wake someone up on the other side of this fucking city. " You kept me fucking going. How can you just leave?" I ask with a bittersweet tone. What the fuck?

" Louis, stop. Now." She said, a calming tone from her voice and a evil look in her eye. I could tell she wasn't happy about leaving either but, I was being selfish. "I don't want to leave, you need to understand that. You? The boys? Carly? You're all I have ever fucking known! But guess fucking what Louis? I'm dead. I'm fucking dead! Gone! No longer in existence. Do you not understand any of those words or phrases? I was given the chance to stay with you all as long as I did! Why can't we all just be fucking happy about that?" She was only getting madder by each second and I was only getting sadder at the simple thought. " I can't stay here anymore, Louis. I just can't. This world? It isn't my home anymore. I can't call it home anymore! You? Carly? Harry, Liam, and Niall? I'm holding you back. Giving you the idea that I'll never leave and I can't keep doing this. You've all got so much headed for you! I can't stay anymore Louis." She had tears in her eyes but, of course they'll never fall. " I'm dead. We have to face that truth one day. Today, is that day."

All was silent in the city of Pittsburgh. Not a word was shared between her and I for the next few minutes although it seemed as though they dragged on to hours. Dead. Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead. The word repeated itself in my mind. She is dead, she is gone.

" You've accepted it, you know. That I'm dead. You all have. That's why I have to go. You're okay now, all of you. I'm dead and gone and you guys are happy. My job is done and I have no need to be here. I love you all to death but, Louis for the love of everything, please don't fight me on this. You'll only loose." She took a step closer to me and I took a deep breathe. "Yes, I'm leaving but, I'll never leave your memory, " She reached her hand just centimeters from my heart," or from here. Never forget me and I'll never leave from either places. Keep our memories close, yeah? As close as can be."

I nodded my head, my heart pounding and tears falling.

" I love you." I whispered. What else was I suppose to say? My throat felt like it was being tied together, my eyes as though they were waterfalls. She took a step closer, almost touching me.

"And I, oh I love you so much. Never forget me and I'll keep watching over you. I'll always be here."

She took a step back. She smiled, she smiled the biggest smile I think I've ever seen and from her feet she started to fade. She was leaving and I couldn't do a damn thing. I was okay though. I didn't feel the ach of forever-lasting pain. I was okay and I think I'll always be okay. Suddenly, she was gone. Her ghost was no longer there. I was though. I was standing on this Earth that we were gifted, on a stage I was given. I was standing with air coming and going through my lungs, my eyes blinking and my veins pumping.

She was gone. She wasn't coming back and I knew that one day I'd see her again. Whether it be in heaven or it be a whole new life, I'd come across the blonde hair girl again, and hopefully that time, never give her any fright.

I was okay though. I still had a whole life ahead of me. I had new memories and actions and friends and new family waiting for me. The future held so much for me and although she isn't here anymore and never will be again, I'll be okay.

A gust of wind went past me, stronger than it should of been on such a clear night. I could of swore I heard the faint mumble of "I love you" and I smiled. I took one last long look around the large stadium before making my way out back. I had a girlfriend to go to. I had friends that were going to be there. She may be gone, but she'll always dance in my mind with the words she ever spoke and the movements she ever made.

I was okay and she is okay. My boys are okay. Carly will be okay. We are okay. Nothing, nothing at all will ever change that.


GUYS THERE IS ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT OF THIS BOOK. I STARTED THIS SO LONG AGO AND NOW IT IS ENDING. I suppose it was time to end, I couldn't just never update again. I had some fun times with this book and the first one. I got to make amazing fans, amazing friends, and I learned a lot.

Before any of you say anything, yes I know he isn't with Eleanor. I know they broke up forever ago and I know he had a kid (Freddie is so cute wtf) but, this story started when they were together and that is how it'll stay.

There is one more chapter left guys and I promise it'll be out this coming week/few days.

Also guys! I have made a blog. It will be more about me and what I go through and think and what not. If you would like to check it out here is the URL :

It is also on my profile if you want to go on it. I hope you guys do and that you'll enjoy it. It gives you more of an insight on who you read book(s) from.

Till the next chapter, I love you all. Byeee !

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