Chapter 6

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Its been awhile hasn't it? I am so sorry for never updating or anything. I have no reason or lie. I have barely been on wattpad at all in the last few months to even just simply read on it. I've came back. I'm still not liking this story and I do plan on finishing it just as I had planned months before. I haven't forgotten about it. I hope you all didn't either. I've still been signed into Wattpad though and it was still linked to my main email so i got told about everything. I've watched my follower count grow each day with new people all the time. People still comment on my old book and on this. It's lovely to see. I've decided to come back simply because I have missed writing so much. I don't mean writing in general. I have been writing so much the last few months but, it was never my  writing. I always had to write it from a prompt or an idea the teacher made us write about. I haven't sat down and actually wrote. I haven't sat there and wrote the plots that are in my head or what I'm feeling, its all been based around the subjects I've been giving and I have missed being able to write from a plot I made, not some other person made. So, I'm coming back to this. It'll end and be written just as planned. When I finish this I plan on coming out with a few books that I worked on last time I wrote on wattpad. I love them and I hope you will too. If you actually read this, thank you. Have fun reading now! x


Louis' POV

It wasn't a lie. It wasn't just some dream. The letters sat in front of me, a name on each one fo them. I had actually talked to Eve. I wasn't dreaming or going insane, she was there. I didn't know what to say and after seeing the letters across the table, I didn't know what to do. I stared down at the letters, surprise running through my veins. Had Eve's dad planted the box there? Was this all some kind of sick joke?

I was snapped out of it whenever I heard Carly's voice. " You got to have a real goodbye to Eve, Louis."

I hadn't answered. What was I suppose to say? Her voice was so fragile but, it was like she knew all the answers to anything ever asked. It was a confusing few moments. My tounge felt like it had been dried out. Not a single word sat on it and I really wish one did. I had nothing to say because I was still surprised that any of that had actually been real. I just looked up at her, no emotion in my eyes but a small smile on my face. I was really hoping that it was enough to do. I didn't have anything to say and I was lucky because that was all I was actually able to do. Everything felt like it was frozen in time.

The boys had been more confused then I was. They didn't actually just get that feeling Carly must have got. Carly understood. She started believing me and what I said before. Though, the look on her face wasn't one of being pleased. She looked mad if anything. I turned my head back down to the table, wondering what was going through her mind. Did she still blame me? Was she mad it happened to me first? Was she mad in general? Was she annoyed? So many questions raced through my mind at the time, that I was giving myself a headache. Was all of this real?

Of course it was. The feelings were too real. The looks felt real. The letters didn't simply disappear at all. It was all real. It felt almost impossible to believe but, it was real. It was happening. No one spoke, no one needed to. No one wanted to. I didn't turn to look at any of the boys, knowing I wouldn't like the looks they would be giving me. I felt a small tingle in my hand. I wanted to know what was in any of the letters, mine or theirs.

Finally, I reached my hand out. It hovered slowly over all the letters until my name showed up in her handwriting. I slowly put on hand down on it, the feeling of the letter felt like it burned my hand. I lifted the letter up, although the letter felt like it was just pulling me back down. I know they were all looking at me, wondering exactly what I was. What's written in this letter?

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