Chapter 3

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Carly's POV

Everyone started fighting, coming out of no where with it. I heard Eve screaming and how badly I wanted to go over to her but, I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of the fight going on.

Everything went quiet. It scared me. It scared me even more when I saw Eve on the ground, eyes closed and face white. I ran the short distance to her, my heart pounding out of my chest.

Eve had been known for Panic Attacks, this wasn't the first time she passed out. This is the first time in a while, though and that scared me. A lot.

Eve never tells people, anyone at all, when she feels stressed or anything.  along the lines of that. She kept it a secret, thinking she can handle no matter how many times  she couldnt. So, when I got to Eve, I didn't exactly freak out. Although, I couldn't do much. I tried to stay calm, and I did on the outside. On the inside, my heart was beating faster, my head started hurting, and my stomach felt like it was just kicked like a soccer ball.

Jake hopped off Louis for now at least, and came over. Her dad came over and picked her up. He left the kitchen, but came back soon, arms empty, and grabbed a small towel, wetting it and leaving again, no words spoken.

Harry and the rest of the boys look at me, wanting an answer, as Jake and everyone else leaves to check on Eve.

" Panic attacks." I say quietly, not sure how to take everything. Louis had cuts on his face, along with red marks that would soon become bruises.

Harry had looked at me from the spot I left him at, his face white. He stared and my heart fell, not sure what was going through his mind. I sigh, and stood up. Walking over to him, He wrapped his arms back around me.

It was hard to believe this had happened. She hasn't one in forever. It scared me, so much stress. Eve had never spoke her mind, so it was impossible to actually help the poor blonde girl.

The boys and I stay right where we are, staring at each other. My dad came back just to inform that they were taking Eve to the hospital then, left again. Of course we left with them.


The ride to the hospital was quiet awkward, as two cars rode to the hospital. No one spoke. No one made a single sound. The only sound you hear was the engine from the car and any small movements anyone made. I'd rather stab myself then sit through this.

Once we got to the hospital, Eve was already there. The boys and I had to wait in the waiting room as the adults, as they put it, talked to the doctors or went to see Eve.

It was quiet. It was one of those quiets, where it had seemed deadly. I hadn't liked it. The whole time we were with the boys, the only time it was quiet was when they were asleep and even then Eve and I made a bunch a noise, just to be assholes.

That's when it happened. That's when the silence turned to the loudest place. That's when all you heard were screams, sobs, and cuss words being thrown around. You would of thought we were insane.

But, that's when it happened.

We finally all, just...

Broke. The Rocky Road was just too much anymore.


Hey guys. I'm a horrible updater. Im a horrible writer. I know.

I changed my account username to fflowerteens and well, this book is done.

There will be two chapters, like two epilogues.

I would keep writing this story. Hell, I had so many ideas for this story. I have so many unfinished plans and everything. And I am truly sorry but, writing this isnt making me happy anymore. It doesnt keep me smiling like i use to writing it. Ive simply lost interest. I was thinking about just stopping it but, I didnt. I decided to finish it off for you guys.

I am not finished being a writing. I am far from that actually. I plan up writing other stories and I really hope readers from here will become readers for my other books.

I am sorry.

I love you guys, always always ALWAYS remember that.

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