The Press Conference

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Chapter Nine

***TOP's P.O.V.***

After the meetings had kept us busy all morning, I piled after the rest of the guys in to our van and sunk in to my seat. One of the guards following and shutting the door behind me. As the engine started, I closed my eyes and began to relax. I was used to early morning and busy schedules but they still managed to exhaust me. Daesung turned up the radio, Apink's "MY MY" playing throughout the car, but Seungri quickly told him to turn it down.

"I'm going to call my sister." He explained.

Daesung then turned around in his seat to face the younger, eyes lighting up. "Can you put her on speaker?" he asked hopefully.

Seungri shrugged and agreed as he held his phone away from his face. Jiyong had his own earphones in and wasn't listening but Taeyang leant forwards with me.

The phone rang twice before HeeJin picked up. "Hello?"

"HeeJin!" Seungri greeted, his smile growing. "How's work going?"

There was the shuffling of paper and she spoke. "I'm just about finished the piece I'm working on; I've only got five chapters left. It's going well."

"That's great!" Seungri chimed. "You'll be sending it back soon then? Ready for a new piece?"

"Hopefully but I don't know, Ri. I kind of want a break from editing for a bit."

I continued to listen in curiously.
"I thought you loved your job?" he asked, confused.

HeeJin sighed from the other end of the line. "I do. I'm just sick of editing nonstop. This last piece was especially tedious and I haven't taken a break in months."

"Then take a break," Seungri reasoned, "Relax, come out with me and the guys more. It'll do you good."

She hummed in response, not giving us a clear answer. "How's your day been?"

"Busy. We just finished meeting with production for the day but we're off to another meeting now."

I wondered if he'd tell her about the press conference. We'd spoken to management earlier this morning and the time had been decided as soon as possible.

"Sounds to me as if being an idol is just sitting around in meetings all day." she teased.

I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Yeah," he laughed, "It's just because we're preparing for the new album though. We'll be recording and performing again in no time."

"Thank goodness for that." She laughed, "So just meetings all day? That's it?"

"Actually HeeJin," he began, "We're going to be holding the press conference in a few hours."

It went silent.


"Yeah, sorry. Do I need to be there? What are you saying?" she asked, voice wavering only slightly.

"Don't worry about it. You don't need to be there; I'll take care of it." I could hear her sigh in relief at his words. "We're going to tell them exactly what they need to hear: that you're my sister."

"Thanks, Ri."

Daesung motioned to Seungri to let him speak. "It's nothing. Is it okay if I pass the phone to Daesung? I think he'd like to say hi."

She paused momentarily. "Sure."

Daesung's face immediately lit up as Seungri handed him the phone. As he sat closer to the front it was difficult for me to hear so I leaned forwards even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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