Surprise Guest

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Chapter Three

***Seungri's P.O.V.***

 Cameras flashed as we pushed through the crowd and towards our van, security knit closely around us. I clutched my phone tightly to avoid dropping it or having it snatched away as we reached the vehicle, the car door being opened by one of the guards as we piled in. I felt someone grab a hold on the back of my shirt just as I'd set my foot inside but managed to discretely shake it off. The door slammed shut behind me, muffling the sound of the girls outside as we drove off in to the night.

"You guys did well tonight." our manager, Boram, called back as he drove. "Ready to head home?"

I nodded my head happily knowing that he was watching us through the mirror.

"Seunghyun, are you okay?" Jiyong asked suddenly, turning to face TOP who sat in the back of the car.

I turned around also curious; he'd seemed out of it for a while now.

"Yea..." he mumbled, "Just a bit tired."

I shrugged and faced the front once again as Jiyong shot him a disbelieving look.

Shuffling in to my seat so that I sat closer to the door, I pulled out my phone and unlocked it.

"Did you get home safe?" I asked, tilting my phone away from the others as I typed.

"I'm home safe and sound," she replied, "Are you back at the dorms yet? Did the signing go well?"

"We're driving home now, it went fine :)" I paused to think before typing again, "You seemed rushed as you left, did something happen?"

"I bumped in to one of your friends. Well, I kind of ran in to them..."

I looked up and scanned the faces of those around me, curious as to who she had met.

"Who? Are you okay?" I asked.

I knew how uncomfortable she was around strangers.

"The tall scary one?" I chuckled, catching Daesung's attention from next to me, "And I'm fine, I was just a bit surprised."

"What is it?" Daesung asked, turning in his seat to face me.

I showed him my phone, his eyes lighting up as he read.

"Any bets?" I asked.

The two of us quickly glanced at Seunghyun at the same time. Looking back at one another, we grinned; we knew we were right.

"Hyung, did you run in to a fan today when the signing was finishing up?" I asked.

Seunghyun's eyes widened noticeably and he nodded his head. "Who told you?" he asked, almost gasping.

"I just saw a tweet." I lied, looking back down at my phone to text Heejin back.

"It was just Seunghyun," I began, "Don't worry, he's not as scary as he looks."

As I showed what I'd sent to Daesung he snickered and Seunhyun spoke again.

"Can I see the tweet?" he asked softly.

I looked back, surprised to see a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Sorry," I mumbled, facing the front again, "I've lost it now..."

As the car relapsed in to silence I returned to my phone. She hadn't replied.

"You know what?" I sent, determined to make my proposal work, "Come over to the dorms tomorrow night."

"You finally have a schedule separate from the others? I can visit you?"

I smiled as I responded with a short "Yeah."

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