The figure in the maze

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The maze doors stood ajar as nightfall hit the small world. The runners flew in as the doors slowly began to close.

As the large doors creaked nearly to a halt, Minho glimpsed a human figure run past the doors. Confused, he called to Alby who simply replied, "We can't ever be sure. The grievers could have come up with something new or it could be one of us. Only time shall tell, Minho."

Alby walked away then, leaving minho pondering.

Minho soon left to the bonfire site to enjoy with the rest of the shanks. He sat at his usual table with Newt, Alby, George and Clint, the few people he knew best.

Newt immediately recognized that Minho had some problems for during bonfire night, when frypan provided the best food to the gladers, Minho hated to miss a moment.

Wondering whether the eerie figure would make it out alive, Minho still managed to look happy among his friends though Newt could tell. There was something most definitely wrong.

Eventually all the gladers scampered off to their hammocks, very satisfied indeed.

Minho and Newt went to discuss the matter in the woods.

The only place where the two of them hung out without being swarmed by the others.

Minho told Newt about the eerie human figure whom he had seen right before the maze closed up for the night.

"There are many possibilities of what happened in there Minho." Newt began. "That person may not even be human. He/She could be one of WICKED's prototypes. Even if that person is human, he/she may not survive for the maze constantly changes at night and the grievers are there in plenty inside the maze." Newt finished.

"Perhaps we can split up and hunt the maze for the mysterious person. We can get Ben to assist." Minho suggested.

"Agreed but safety matters first in there. Remember Minho, a lot of people can be trusted, but knowing you, you trust anyone. So remember, not everyone can be trusted." Newt warned.

Minho nodded in agreement.

"Ok so there's only a few hours till the maze reopens so we should get some sleep till then." Newt said.

Minho readily agreed and in a matter of moments, the two were fast asleep in their respective hammocks.

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