The escape part 2

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The group hobbled further into the maze, silently creeping through.
They arrived at a small opening which seemed nearly impossible.
''Where did this hole come from?" Minho asked.
"Oh I made it..." Maya replied.

The 3 guys gaped. Talk about a girl walking on top of the maze with an ADDITIONAL superhuman strength.

"Guys come quick!" Maya yelled.

As they inched into the cave, Newt could see the sun set in the horizon.
His blonde hair was clammy with sweat and his shirt drenched from running.
On the other hand Maya looked totally fine. Her brown hair bedazzling like she walked out of a salon and her cream top crease less and not a drop of sweat on her skin.

She led them slowly Inside the cave.
She reached out and whipped out an 11 feet long ladder which, God knows how, fits in there.

She shuffled along with the guys to the entryway of the cave. They burst out into the night only to see a Griever standing two feet away from them.

Maya, Minho and newt froze but Ben did not react properly. He squealed and the Big Griever turned its head.

"Oh lord have mercy." Maya murmured before she screamed, "run!!"
And the chase began. 

Maze in the darknessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora