Escape plan part 1

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AN: Hey guys I am sooo sorry that I haven't written in so long the reason being I thought no one like my stories. Then I saw that my story had 12 views. Thank you SO much for your support it means EVERYTHING to me. 

Please vote and comment on my writings and do follow. Love you all!

The doors were about to close. 

"Da klunk!" Minho screamed as the doors inched closer together.

The 4 of them ran towards the doors at top speed. Then they saw it.

It closed. 

Newt, Ben and Minho slunk down against the walls, their breaths uneven. 

"We're done for. The grievers will come for us and devour us whole." Newt said, his British accent thick with grief. 

"Not really." Maya said with great attitude, inspecting her nails. 

"Waddya mean?" Minho snarled. 

"We're stuck here at the mercy of god knows how many grievers and all you can say is Not really?" Minho shouted. 

"Forgetting something?" She asked. "I am the person running on TOP of the maze after all." She said with a sly grin. 

"Right!" Ben exclaimed. 

"So how do you do it greenbean?" Newt queried. 

"obviously we need my hand made LADDER." She said. 

"DA SHUCK?" The 3 shouted in union.

"Obvio we could've made a ladder how stupid of us!" Ben rambled.

"DUH!" Minho said.

"Kay sass princess ready to go?" Maya beckoned. 

Minho huffed. "Princess? Sweetheart I'm the Queen!" Minho said.

"Oh in your dreams chap. Now let's move." Maya said.

Minho snarled.

"Look whose got competition?" Ben teased.

"Argh" Minho said.

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