Newbie revealed.

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Ben inched forward quietly as the girl slowly turned. 

Her brown hair was wavy and pretty, she had on a shirt and shorts and her amber eyes glinted in the sunlight. 

To the 3 runners, the sight was blinding. 

"W-who are you?" Newt asked. 

"Me?" She asked in a sing song voice. 

until it turned all sarcastic. 

"That," She said. "Sounds so cliche."

"Da klunk??!" Minho shouted. "WE are in shock here and you say CLICHE?!" He shouts. 

"Chill Minho!" Ben says with a laugh. 

"Yeah but the problem now is that we've found her we should take her back to the glade but a girl?" Newt queried. 

"Looks like it," Minho said, anger subsiding. 

"Mind coming with us?" Ben asks. "MIND? She HAS TO!" Minho yelled.

"Fine chill man. I'm coming." She said.

"By the way, newbie, know your name?" Newt asks. "Yeah. It's Maya" She says. 

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