Part 1

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I sighed happily as the cool ocean rushed over my feet. The sand was fine and soft under my soles. I looked up at the full moon in the distance, smiling. All that I could hear were the sounds of the ocean. Not a human in sight. Perfect.

Humans had stopped hunting my kind long ago, but that didn't mean they thought very highly of us. They liked calling us 'leeches.' It's not like we were that bad. Sure, we could lie and cheat our way out of almost any situation with our mind control powers, but we rarely ever killed people anymore. We just took the blood that we needed (and that was almost never enough to kill a person, or even make them anemic) and then used our mind control to make the human forget about it and believe the punctures in their neck were from some sort of accident. Our saliva made them heal up quickly, anyway.

Humans were such drama queens.

I walked over to some rocks and sat down on a flat one, letting the sea spray tickle my legs. I took off my backpack and sat it next to me, looking around until something caught my eye. There was someone else sitting on a rock, about 20 feet away from me, not paying me any attention. I smirked, opening my backpack and pulling out my mirror, checking my chin-length, curly auburn hair. I looked fine, so surely I could seduce the man sitting over there if I wanted to. I wondered how he was able to sneak into this place. It was a park, technically, and there were closing hours. I shrugged and as quietly as possible, I crept closer to the attractive figure. It only made me more excited that he wasn't wearing a shirt, and his muscular torso was bared to the world. When I felt I was close enough (approximately eight feet away from him), I spoke up to get his attention.

"Hello, are you lonely?" I said.

He turned his head quickly and looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," I explained. "I just wanted to know if you would like some company."

He shook his head and started to back off of the rock. I frowned.

"I know, you can tell by my pallor that I'm a vampire," I stated. "But I won't hurt you. You just caught my eye, and I wanted to talk to you."

"Wha-?" he stammered. "Oh, do you think I'm a human?" he asked. His baritone voice was what caramel would sound like if it made a sound.

"Well, yeah," I said. "Are you something else?" He couldn't be a vampire. He wasn't extremely pale, his skin was actually a beautiful light/medium color, with a warm undertone.

"If you're a vampire, how come you didn't notice?" he smirked at me and turned, facing me.

My eyes widened. He had a tail. A turquoise fish tail. How had I not noticed that?!

"Oh..." I said, feeling stupid. "You're a merman. No wonder you caught my eye, you're beautiful, just like merpeople are supposed to be."

He blushed. "Thank you," he murmured. "You're beautiful, too."

I smiled at him. "Of course I am, I'm a vampiress. At least you were born a merman. I used to be a human." I climbed up on the rock and sat next to him, facing the ocean. He turned around and faced the same direction.

"I have a question," the beautiful dark-haired merman said. "How do you become a vampire? Is it just the bite?"

"No," I answered. "If it was, we'd have to kill everyone we feed from. A vampire has to drink the human's blood, and the human has to drink the vampire's blood as well."

"Oh," he said. "You drank a vampire's blood?"

"Yeah," I said. "I was going to...have fun, yeah, let's call it that, with a vampire guy that I knew, and he wanted me to drink his blood after he drank mine. He told me it felt...well, like sex. He wasn't lying, and I nearly got off by just drinking it. But then I fainted, and I woke up like this. I don't know why he didn't tell me that I would change."

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