Student crush?

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Blaine POV

Kurt Hummel.

Well behaved student.

Gets all good grades.

Has a very unique fashion sense but is very nice.

Sweet kid.

Pretty brave has a lot of courage I must add.

He's also pretty dang cute.

Not Blaine he's a student don't think like that!

But Kurt is different from the rest. He's amazing really. And god what would I give to be able to kiss his pink lips that look so so soft...

I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm also at school on the parking lot so I should go. I got out of the car and walked into school. I saw some jocks push Kurt into the lockers laughing and calling him 'fag' and 'homo'.

"Hey!" I called at them walking faster towards them.

They all looked pissed off that I caught them. "Wanna explain why you pushed Kurt." I said voice stern.

"Just trying to get the gay out of him." Azimo said.

"Gay isn't a disease alright. It's just how someone's born. All of you Detention for a week." I said.

They all walked off annoyed some rolling there eyes. Shoving each other mad that they got caught.

I gave a hand to Kurt who looked kinda scared.
"Are you ok?"

His big blue eyes looked at me. God they were so pretty. He looked so cute right now too. His pink cheeks were puffy and his eyes were red and tear filled. I just wanted to hold him and make everything ok.

He took the hand and stumbled getting up. "Yeah I'm fine I guess." He mumbled looking down fixing his outfit.

"Would you mind talking to me in my office for a second." I said in a softer voice.

His eyes darted at me for a split second then nodded. We walked to my office and I put my bag down on the floor. I sat in my chair and offered for Kurt to sit across.

"So those are the jerks huh." I said looking at him.

He nodded looking down in his lap.

"How long has this been going on Kurt?" I asked.

"Seems like forever." He mumbled out.

"What do you mean?" I asked him softly. I felt bad. So so bad. He didn't deserve this. I just wanted to hold him and kiss him right there.

"I've always been teased. Ever since I was in kindergarten pretty much. This all got worst in high school. I'm thrown into dumpsters. I'm shoved into lockers. I'm kicked and punched. I'm slushed every day too. All because they can't accept the fact I like boys." Kurt said tearing coming out. His voice got angrier by each word. I have him a tissue and he accepted it.

"I get how it feels. I'm going to do everything I can to stop them. I will fight the school board too to stop it. Just don't do what I did Kurt. I ran away but you. You can fight." I said. He finally looked at me with his blue eyes that were glazed with tears. He sniffled and gave a small smile.

"Thanks." He said in a small voice.

I smiled back. The bell rang singling it was first period. "I'll write your excuse slip." I said getting a piece of paper quickly scribbling on it. I handed him the white slip of paper and he got up to the door.

"Kurt." I said before he left.

He looked at me one more.

"Courage." I smiled.

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