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"I-I'm pretty s-sure he t-thought I was a-a Vampire?" Tina said with a grey hoodie and sweatpants.

"He's such a dick you should be able to wear whatever, I mean have you seen my wardrobe, it screams I Love Boys! Also sensible and Vogue." I said walking with her. She laughed for the first time today as we stopped by he locker.

"I don't know what I'm suppose to do now? Wear this for rest of high school?" She said depressed again.

"Let's talk about it in glee, we have more voices." I said. She smiled with me and we walked to glee together.

We got to glee and everyone was there including Blaine. Thankfully with the help of Rachel, Tina, and I were doing Gaga!

The queen of Theatricality. I can already see my outfit.

But of course Finn thought Gaga was girly and a dude which I swear to god I was going to fight him for. The guys are going to do KISS. Psh- wimps.

As soon as I got home I was ranting to Blaine over the phone about my outfit, inspired by Gaga and Marie Antwanett. Genius I know.

I walked with Tina at school the next day, she wore a bubble dress and wig. I wore my wig and six inch heels.

Karosfky shoved me and Tina into the lockers,
"Hey, you can shove me around but don't shove a girl!"

"Sorry I can't tell the differences." Karosfky said. Everyone else laughed.

"Yeah, you don't wanna be late for your appointment at Supercuts!" I yelled back.

"Oh don't worry they love walk ins." He said high fiving his trolls.

I sighed and walked with Tina to glee. Everyone was in costume and apparently Rachel found out who her real mom is.

But she came in with a costume with stapled stuffed animals. Ouch.

But we did our number Bad Romance which I totally slayed in. Blaine smiled at me all through out the performance.

I carried on with the rest of the day and my dad told me he and Carole would be moving in together... Yeah no. I smiled and said yeah. After we had a little welcoming party and God was I awkward. I offered him sparkling cider? Trying to be a good host here!

The next day wasn't the best but not the worst.

I was glueing jewels on my heels from Karfosky innocent today. And me and Finn got in an argument. I wanted to rip his eyes out, what was his deal! Was he that homophobic! I called Blaine ranting and thank god for him because I wouldn't be able to calm down.

The next day my dad said I could decorate my room so Finn could stay in it.... Yay.... (That was sarcastic)

But I do love a chance to decorate. And maybe he'd like me better.

I spent the day going from thrift shop to thrift shop getting everything I would need to make the room up.

I introduced Finn to it and I didn't get the reaction I hoped.

"I can't live here!" Finn stressed.

"Well it's the best I can do right now." I said.

"No we need to change it!" Finn said.

"Fine! Well change it! Well change it all!" I said on the break of tears.

"First we need to get rid of that faggy lamp! And that faggy blanket! And the-"

"Hey!" My dad yelled interrupting Finn.

"What did you call him?" He asked.

"No-no I was talking about the stuff." Finn said.

"No you were talking about him. He made this room. We do not use that word in this house!" My dad yelled.

"I didn't mean it." Finn tried.

"They never do. Do you call that nice girl Becky retard, or use the N word?" My dad said.

"No I would never!" Finn said.

"That's just as bad. We used that in high schools to a guy. It was a joke to us but wasn't to him. He's gone now thanks to us." My dad said.

I hated to hear him yell and I couldn't stand it any more.

"Dad please..." I said in a quite voice.

"No Kurt! This is our home! Your my family! He comes first! I love you mom but I love my kid more. And if this costs me her so be it! For now you may need to stay somewhere else." My dad said.

Finn nodded walking upstairs. Tears were pouring out of my eyes.

"The room looks great!" My dad said gripping my shoulder. I touched his hand on my for some type of reassurance. He left and I was there crying. I try and this is what I get.

I texted Blaine to meet me in the park by my house. I walked out not caring about anything. My dad called after but I ran. I saw Blaine sitting on a bed looking in his phone.

"Blaine." I called. He looked up and stood up holding out his arms. I ran into them sobbing. He held me close whispering sweet nothings to me.

We sat on the bench and I cried in his arms telling him about Finn. He just kept telling me sweet things.

The next day I ignored Finn, I only said how I thoughts he was different.

At the end of the day Karfosky cornered me.

"Go a head and hit me, you can't punch the gay out of me as much as I can punch the ignorance out of you. I'm proud to be different if the best thing about me." I said.

Finn came in wearing a shower curtain.
He told them off and the whole glee club came.
The freak show was complete.

Me and Finn made up and all was pretty go. Blaine smiled at me and winked once everything was resolved.

What I would give to kiss him in front of everyone.

Omg this is the 20 part! Idk where this is even going!
Stay Strange

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