Author's Note

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Hey! I am a 12 year old girl and i love to write. But this is my first-ever story. I would like everyone to read this and tell me how it is.

1. If there are any grammatical errors, please tell me via PM.

2. Comment what you think and tell me what more could be done in order to improve this story.

3. Since I'm just a 12 year old girl, I'd like you to forgive me if I go wrong, but if you find the story unsatisfying , do tell what you want to insert in this story.

This story is purely a work of fiction and intended only for entertainment purpose. All characters, incidences, events and scenes of this story are entirely imaginary and resemblance of any character in this story with any person is purely co-incidental.

Don't copy the plot, characters, scenes, ideas or incidences or anything.

Go on and read. :)

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