Chapter Three - Something's Strange

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Natalie, as usual woke up and dressed herself, and went down for breakfast. But then, she thought she looked at something strange. Kelly, the Barbie she had got for her birthday, looked a bit strange. From the day Kelly had come, Nat had not even touched her hair because she had liked the way it had come from the store. And she saw that her hair was now fully fashioned like a very experienced artist had done it.

Kelly was used to this staring from the little girls at the shop in which she had been for almost her whole life. She felt a bit good from Natalie's cupboard, for it was better than the oxygen less pack in which she was living from birth. Now, let me tell you, never, (and I mean it), Never underestimate a Barbie, for she, hears and sees whatever you do to her. And even if you tell her a secret, she might even go and tell every single Barbie in Cozy Cupboard.

You see, Nat could not let her Barbies suffer 'because she loved them all. Yes, even the one she had got on her 2nd birthday. So she had asked her mother if she could have an extra big doll house (the size of her cupboard.) but her mother had said, "Nat, there is no doll house as big as your cupboard. But if you wish, Dad will get you a cupboard designed as a doll house. And perhaps it would be a lot better if your Barbies get that. And I promise, your Barbies are going to love it." "I am going to love whatever my Barbies love. Thanks mum."

And now, she had her own cupboard in which she could even set the furniture. And she even had a key for the cupboard because once she saw Holly meddling up with the Barbies with her oily hands. It had taken the whole weekend for our Nat to wash the stains (now I must not tell what happened to Holly, for she is scared to go near the cupboard.) then she went down for breakfast and oh my my! What a lavish feast with bacon and eggs, toast, marmalade, jam, fruit cake, a big dish of salad, homemade pizzas, garlic bread, pasta and so on(though, almost the whole feast was finished by Holly). Then after throwing in food, she went upstairs to play with her Barbies, and then, she noticed something strange.

When she went upstairs after her breakfast, she opened the cupboard and she found the Barbie's clothes changed and one Barbie, Cara, was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, her head towards the television. Now, Nat clearly remembered that she hadn't done anything like that.

Cara, was scared out of her wits. One moment, she had almost given up the whole secret. She was just getting bored with Kathy, so she decided to come up the room and watch television. Who knew at the same moment Natalie would come and notice all this?

In the Cozy Cupboard, there were many Barbies, some girls, some boys. There were even animals there. Nat was kind enough to buy them. Some Barbies were thin and fair, and the others with wheat-ish skin and curly hair which took 15 mins to get tied. The cupboard, home to Barbies, was divided into a number of sections like Bedrooms, Bathrooms with a bathtub, Washrooms, School, College, a Bank, a store and etc. The bedrooms are all pink with a blue bed in between. The bathrooms are the one you see in hotels and dream of. No one paid much attention to any other thing. But just then, Cara heaved a sigh of relief as Nat's mother called her. Cara was dying to thank Nat's mom, because if it hadn't been her, she was almost thrown out of the cupboard.

And then, Amanda came angrily to her ,"Looks like some trouble is coming." Cara thought fearfully. Amanda, though the most beautiful Barbie, would get you in deep trouble if you messed with her or tried to give the secret away to the humans, she would be the first one to give you a nasty sort of punishment for Nat had made her the Minister of the Cozy Cupboard and Amanda had taken her duties way too seriously. Little did Nat know that Amanda would really act like a minister and take the responsibilities of one. Like the other day, Emma was switching on the television when suddenly the cupboard door opened and there was Nat. Emma had very slowly straightened herself and then Nat closed the cupboard.

But before Emma could even thank her fate, she could hear Amanda's footsteps, and they were becoming louder, and louder, and there she was, standing before her. She had her Im-angry-don't-mess-with-me face. "Emma, you are so careless." Amanda said this in a calming tone, but that's how she did it, first calm and then suddenly she would start shouting and yelling. Emma could see it coming. She said,

"I'm sorry Ama-"

"-SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF JUNK. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO BARBIEKIND. And Ms. Emma Jones, you are under arrest for breaking a rule which is mentioned in Article 27, which states '......any Barbie who is found disclosing the Life Of Barbies (intentionally or unintentionally) shall be subjected to imprisonment.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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