chapter 2

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As you near the place you where headed alby calls out "hey chuck we have a new greenie I need you to show her where to sleep and get her some food and show her around the place when your done give her to Newt and he will go from there" chuck looks at you and then back to ably "but she's a" alby cut him off "do it" okay chuck said as he grabs your hand and pulls you off to who knows where chuck showed you around and talks about his friend Thomas and a guy named Minho he tell me the rules once again and we walk past a couple places then chuck stops at one of the big openings in the wall "stay here" he says and then runs off closer to the entrance you think to your self but ably said not to go out what is he doing? Chuck sits down and waits for a little while then you walk over as soon as you get there he jumps up and waves his hand "hey Thomas!" he shouts "hey chuck new greenie I see" Thomas keeps running and then stops in his tracks he turns back to you and looks straight at you and says "chuck come here" Thomas pulls chuck away for a moment talking in a whisper when Minho looks at you then joins them what's going on Minho ask? "I don't know chuck says this morning the sirens started going off like they do every month and Newt jumped down as always but didn't come up as fast as he usually dose alby didn't seemed fazed but I know something about this is wrong to him" well you got that right a glade full of guys and a girl somethings up Thomas speaks up "well for now let's just leave it maybe it was put here for a reason just like all of us she's here with us now and there is no changing that" you stand there waiting for them to stop whispering about you while your standing there you get frustrated and clear your throat mhm I'm kinda standing right here you know Thomas is the first to look up "I'm sorry it's" just you cut him off a little weird that I'm the only girl here yeah I kinda noticed Thomas goes quiet and Minho walks over and grabs Thomas "let's go find alby" and they run off leavening you and chuck after a moment chuck speaks up "the gates are about to close for the night" you look at him puzzled what do you mean you say but get cut off abruptly by a big mechanical sound and grumbling the wind picks up out side the gates and the walls begin to move you look up in amazement of how such gigantic walls move after they close you stand there trying to figure out what just happened when chuck speaks up" you done staring" how did that why chuck cuts you off "they do that every night to keep us safe" safe from what? "You will find out later for now let a go find Newt for now you will be spending the night with him in till things are settled down"as you walk through the little buildings that every one has built you feel uneasy every one is staring at you or giving you these looks of confusion or looks of you are not sure but weird ones you roll your eyes and keep following chuck when you reach a group of trees away from the home steads and you see two hammock in the trees "Newt sleeps here most of the time by him self"chuck says you give him a concerned look and he speaks up"hey don't worry Newt is I don't know I guess you can say Newt he has his Owen way of doing things" you hear a laugh behind you and turn to see Newt "your lucky you didn't say anything bad chuck" chuck jumped in his place and looks at Newt "o...oh Newt um hey haha didn't see ya there.. alby told me to leave Carter with you tonight he" Newt cut him off it's okay chuck run along and go going Tommy I know you've been dying too chuck smiles and jumps up to say his good byes and runs off leaving you with newt.

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