Chapter 1

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Claire Lockwood (Best Friend)


"Claire, for the last time. I don't care; It's not a big deal." I shrugged gathering the last essentials from my locker and slammed it shut.

"You can say that all you want but I don't believe you; it's written all over your face." Claire accused  as she hurried to catch up as I power walked down the hall. "And now you're in a rush to get away from me because you know I'm right." Why does she have to be so damn insightful?

"It's fine Claire. We've been on this almost all day, can we find another topic of conversation?"

She ran to stand in front of me and crossed her arms frowning. "No. Not until you spill and stop trying to be Miss. No feelings." I rolled my eyes and gave a little groan. I took a step to the side and attempted to walk around her.

"Claire were going to be late." She stepped over into my path and I frowned.

Claire, my best friend, had been badgering me about the same thing since lunch. Me and my boyfriend, or in her words my "soulmate", had broken up over the  weekend and she was pissed she was the last to find out. I told her the only reason I didn't tell her was because I knew how she would react. And it was the truth.

Claire believed in this thing called 'true love.' I did too becuse I had seen it, but only once. So I believed it existed but it was very rare and only one out of four people would ever find 'true love'. I never used to but I'd had my heart broken too many times by someone I 'loved' to ever  believe I would find it again.

Yet again, however, I had made the mistake of letting someone else into my life and my heart. And this time I really believed I was in the group with those three lonely souls. I'd never find 'the one.' I didn't even know why I let myself believe I already had but I did.  I had given up on love and Claire could tell though I was trying all I could to hide it; It wasn't working. She was my best friend, she knew me all too well.

"Since when do you care about getting to class on time?" She asked, seeing right through my lie with her piercing gaze.

"I care." That was a bold faced lie. I really didn't care if I walked into class late. Not because I didn't care about school or anything. I didn't enjoy school but I did care about my grades; how's a girl to get a job without a high school education? I didn't care about getting to class on time because five minutes was not nearly enough time to do anything and those teachers were brain dead if they thought I could get to the restroom, my locker and to my classroom in that time.

"Oh please," Claire said rolling her eyes."Just yesterday you strolled into class ten minutes late like it was no big deal."

"It wasn't." I shrugged.

"Exactly. Just like it isn't now. You are not going to class until we talk about this."

"You do realize if I'm late you're late too right?"

"Yep." She said nonchalantly.

"There is no way you're going to be late to class on purpose." I tried to step around her again but she sidestepped back into my path.

"Try me." She rolled we neck and raised her eyebrow.

Just as I was about to protest, the shrill sound of the bell echoed through the almost empty halls. I looked to my best friend still firmly planted in her spot, and groaned.

Claire would never miss class. But she would also never let something like this slide. Just like she knew me, I knew her. I cursed myself for trying to hide something from her because it only caused her to be more adamant about not letting it go.

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