Chapter 2

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Kelsey Whatkins (Mother)


When the final bell rang I was both elated and depressed. I was in no way anxious to get home but I was extremely ready to see my bed again.

I loved my mom but for the last few weeks she'd been otherwise occupied with her wedding preparations.

Her boyfriend of approximately a year and a half, proposed to her three weeks prior and she had been practically bouncing on walls preparing the wedding. He had offered to help but she wanted to do everything herself. And she had been.

Even though this would be her second wedding, she was taking more time to plan it than the first. I never asked but I think it's because she didn't have the chance to have an extravagant wedding with my dad. They got married young and actually did it behind their parents backs because they wouldn't approve. When it came to light, their parents were actually really happy. Well, not my mom's dad or my dad's mom. The parents who approved paid for a small wedding and four days after their secret marriage, my mom and dad were married in front of a few of our relatives.

This wedding was going to be huge and our entire family along with the groom's would be attending. And of course a few friends. The date was still three weeks away but there was plenty that still needed to be done. My mom always needed an 'extra hand or two,' with the preparation, meaning me and my step brother, Justin. He never even bothered to show, however, and it was usually just me.

She never really needed any help anyway, because whenever I came home she did all of the work and gave me some ridiculous task. Usually heading to the venue and 'supervising' the decorating staff to make sure everything was just how she wanted it. When I tried to give them advice on how things should look they always said, "Leave this to the professionals," and left me to fold napkins.

The only reason she really wanted us around, I found out not too long before, was so me and my step brother could 'bond' and spend some 'quality time together.' We'd never met and she rarely talked about him so I hardly knew much about him besides his name. I didn't even know how he looked. Of course I thought he resembled his dad. Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, but he had a mother. He could of looked nothing like his father at all.

It was crazy to think we'd never met, but there was a reasonable explanation. In my mom's eyes anyway.

Her and Wilson, my future stepdad, had been dating in secret because she thought I would overreact if she told me she had started dating again. I told her she was crazy to think that because in my opinion, five years is too long to wait. She said her original planning was to wait untill I graduated to start seeing other men, but then came Wilson. She met him while she was on break at work and she spilt her coffee on him. It was adorable. The way I pictured it anyway. It probably was actually a horrific scence considering the coffee was probably scolding hot.

She never told me anything about Wilson or that he had a son until the day he proposed. She said she wouldn't have been able to keep it secret much longer after that. Besides she thought it was the real thing and she knew I'd understand. I didn't understand the whole 'lovey dovey' thing but I could see he made her smile like I hadn't seen in awhile so I was fine with it.

So the fact still remained, I didn't know Justin. I saw where she was coming from trying to get us to meet, but sticking us together all afternoon was not a good way to get us aquanted. That's the way to get two people to start hating each other real fast. I tried to tell her that but she shooed me off. It was okay though cause I never had to see him anyway. I didn't think I wanted to; he seemed rude. My mom, your soon-to-be step mother goes out of her way to introduce us and you don't even show?

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