just the beginning

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HI, my name is June parks and I'm 15years old me and my boyfriend Chris Reyes have been in a love hate relationship. WE have gone through everything u can even ask my BESTFRIEND!

(Shays POV)

Hey, I'm shay Dee Junes best friend! June and Chris have been going out for 6 months now.. To me that's the longest relationship I have seen..they met in a summer camp program at our school. They met through connections with friends and they started to talk a lot.

(Junes POV)

I was on instagram and my phone vibrates I get a message on Facebook messenger its Chris.
*Our texts*
Chris-" hey"
June- "how did u find me onna book?"
Chris- " through my friends ; friends list"
June- "ummm... Oh OK"
Chris- "yea, can I ask u sum?"
June- " sure why not, what is it?"
Chris- "will u cuff me?"
June- "idk we just became friends"
Chris-" but I really Love u"
June- "."

(Junes POV)

O-MY-GAWDD he just said the "big word!!" As I instantly text shay!!

*me and bff texts*

June- Yo?
Shay- "what's up?"
June - "OK so this sexcc looking nice Spanish boy at camp asked me out and then said I love u after we just became friends, what should I do!?"
Shay-" WOW! well one don't say I love u back its too early for that and two give him a chance"
June- "Thanks bff gotta go! Later"
*she left me on reed*

(Shays POV)
I have honestly nun to say but WOW!! I mean I'm happy for her but its a Lil too soon to say I love u. I think june has a good relationship ahead for herself good for her! I make a small smile.

(Chris POV)
Maybe it was a Lil too soon to say I love u but I really like her and her personality is A-1 if she says yes I think have a nice move on her.
*Chris's phone vibrates*

*Back on messenger with june*

(June's POV)

*I texted him back*
June- "yes I would love to go out with u"
*I deleted that because I didn't want it to sound to straight forward, so I try again*
June- "yes"
Chris- "awesome!"
June- "lol"
Chris- "you have an iPhone?"
June - "yes"
Chris- "what's ur number?"
June- "3478370011"
Chris-" okay I will text u later"
(Shays POV)

I wanted to meet this "chris boy" so I texted june.
*Our texts*
Shay- Yo?
June- yes?
Shay-" I wanna met this chris boy"
June- "how?, u don't go to summer camp"
Shay-" ask if he has ooVoo"
June- "why?"
Shay- " so we can all be on ooVoo"
June- "OK sounds cool, I will ask him when he texts me"
Shay- OK
*June leaves me on reed*

(Junes POV)

Shays actually came up with a good idea of my bf to meet my bff lol...I'm just waiting until he texts me...

*June falls asleep on imessage*

Ik it may be boring but wait until the next chapters
(This may contain mistakes and errors so sorry about that!)

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