fucked tight

12 1 0

(Junes pov)

I woke up and realized I missed Chris and that I should have probably hear what he was gonna say before storming out. I then also thought they can't possibly any other explanation for having a ruber (what old ppl call it) on his bed.
After I just felt like stop talking about it to myself so I got ready with out evening knowing what I was gonna do it. I go to the shower and when I come out I hear the doorbell ring.

(Chris pov)

I rung the doorbell with a rose to apologize I never really mean to hurt her but I was just feeling the moment.

(Junes pov)

I wonder who that was. I rushed down stairs to open the door with the towel wrapped around me tightly.

(Chris pov)
I wait to hope she was home or would answer I was waiting patiently.

(Junes pov)
I answered and it was Chris I said "oh the fuck boy has arrived " foh what to say "sorry" no the thanks bye..... ****shuts door****

I inhaled quickly.

(Chris pov)

I didn't know what to say so I just left the rose with a following text saying " I'm so sorry I hope your not allergic to the rose"

*****sorry I took so long to update******

7/11/14Where stories live. Discover now