8:00 my house!

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(junes pov)

Its friday and its currently 7 and im getting ready to go to chris house at 8. When im finally ready i call...no reply...i call agian...no REPLY!!
Whats going on!!
Maybe he's doing something important ima wait..
Its currently 9 and still waiting..NOW IM UPSET!!
I TEXT him calmly saying " what happened "
No reply until 9:45 saying nothing i fell asleep u can come over.

(Chris pov)

I may have been doing some netflix and chill with my ex but she dont go to my school she wont find out i quickly clean up the room as i hear
***the door bell ring***

(junes pov)

I came in i was still mad but im ok.
He takes me up to his room...as i recall what he whispered in my ear in the ally.
He takes me to his bed we talk...then end up doing it.
My mom calls i hang up-- my mom calls agian i put my phone on silent. We keep doing it and my foot flips the sheet and we accidentally get tied in the sheets! We untangled our selves.
I look down and see a empty condom pack!!
I asked is it the one he is using now he said "na i mean yea" i look down he has nothing on!! I said wtf u lying...
He said "i could explain" i said
Fuck out my face, i get dressed and storm out of his house!..

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