V:The Healer

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Chapter 5 - The Healer

Two days later, all the guests have gone home. Leo and Queer are talking with me but my mind is still on the booze. I did not drink, never did but what makes me high is the fact that: One, my best friends are gifted. Two, they are going with me to Lyran, a school for gifted Felirans. Three, my father and I have been on good terms lately. Four, the party is over. Five, I don’t have to wear make-up, short dresses, earrings and sorts. Six, Queer is mad I can sense she had been raging because of Jay and Gale’s acceptance, but she can’t do anything about it.


“Are you listening?” Queer asks, irritated. 


“What did I say then?” 

“You said in three days time, we will go to Ash town, we are to be toured around. You also stressed the orders ‘Jade is to behave herself and to not skip the tour’. Then, after the tour, the thirty-five Feliran will be given a day to pack their things. After that, we will meet at the town gates and a vehicle will take us to Lyran. You also mentioned that there will be no tours inside Lyran, though I can’t imagine why. After saying all this, I note that ‘behave yourself’ is repeated 4 times.” I restate her words, with few sarcastic injections.

Queer glares and Leo smiles. Leo gestures me to go and I go in my room.

I wear jeans and a white shirt. My hair is braided and a bag slings across my chest. My bag contains a small medical kit, a notebook, pen, pendant and a dagger. The pendant was given to me by my grandmother when I was still five years old. Grandma had always been alone because Grandpa died few months after they’re married, she never married again. I am talking about my father’s mother. I never knew any family my mother has, she never introduced me to them. My father is an only son the way like I am his only daughter. 

The dagger is another story, under no circumstances am I allowed to carry a weapon but my intuition to carry one overpowers any warning they say. I reason it is an act for safety purposes; it is not like I’ll kill anyone. And if ever I cut myself, that is my problem not theirs. 

I open the only window to be found in my room. I may sound exaggerating but the window opens at a paradise, literally. It opens at a small clearing, hidden partially by yards of trees, where shrubs and flowering trees grow. At the center of it is a deep lake. 

I jump out and gently close it, afraid that somehow someone might catch me. As far as I know, I am the only person who knows this place exists. Though I cannot be sure of that because this place is in the woods but not hidden and it isn't far from Ash gates. I believe it even leads a way in the town besides the gate. 

I run through fifty yards of trees and burst out of the clearing, panting for air. 

Even though I always think of telling the twins about this place, I never did. I wanted to keep this place mine for as long as I can, as selfish as that may sound. I leave my slippers under a tree and feel the damp grass beneath my bare feet. 

My eyes enjoys the view for quite some time before I decide to take a quick swim. Although I am in jeans and have no extra clothes, I can always grab another but just in case; I take off my shirt and jeans. I wear a top and wrap my shirt on my waist. Pulling off the band that keeps my braid intact, I lunge for the water. 

On the third dive, I resurface in time to see a girl about my age being chased by a group of bandits. 

“Help!” the girl yells. I quickly got out of the water and snatch the weapon I keep in my bag at the same time position the girl behind me. I am dripping wet and my hands are slippery but I struggle to get a hold of the dagger’s handle. I ready myself though I have no idea how I am to defend her and myself. 

J.ade, A.ir D.efying E.lementalistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon