XIV:Rejecting the Best

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Chapter 14 - Rejecting the Best

The train interior is awesome. They describe it as First Class. There are small rooms that house four to five Rounins each, the journey will not take two hours but with all things that is happening, I can’t help but to feel guilty.

I currently sit at a comfy couch with my friends but I am not comfortable. In fact, I am nowhere near being comfortable. I still feel sweat form on my forehead though the train is air-conditioned. I can’t believe what is happening. The train left withoutTracy. They announced he carried a weapon and they needed to hold him. No announcements about when will be his return.

It doesn’t make me feel less bad. Somehow I know their ‘hold’ could mean danger. I could have been there. Well, I SHOULD be there. Why did he do that? He could’ve just thrown the dagger away. Or did he want to steal it? No, that can’t be. I am sure he did not intend to steal it.

“Why the devil is this happening? No, why is me being a Rounin even happening?!” I grumble in absolute frustration.

“I figured out something.” Jay says, out of the blue. He had been sitting on the windowsill ever since we got here, staring at the speeding houses outside.

I look questioningly at him. “Well?”

“Have you received the paper they gave before departure?” he starts

I frown and think, “No, I haven’t received any.”

“What? You didn’t?” Chesca cries. She gets something from her bag and waves a paper. When I just stare at her she stands and drops it on my lap.

“What’s this? I didn’t get something like this,” I say, taking the paper.

“Obviously,” Gale joins. I look at the paper: RULES, the heading says. I start to read it.

After ten minutes I finish reading the whole paper. My friends look at me waiting for my reaction.

“They. Did. Not. Give. Me. One. Of. This.” I state, anger boiling up inside me. Guess what? This paper contains rules as to what we should pack and not pack and other things equally important. If I have got one of this,Tracy would be boarding with us.

I nearly crumple the paper but then I realize it is not mine. I drop it on the chair beside me and race out the room.

“Jade! Don’t act so rash!” Jay yells after me the same time Gale cries “Where are you going?!” Chesca yells, too a millisecond later than Gale and Jay “Wait! We aren’t even sure yet”

I stop abruptly “What? I’m going out to find a freaking telephone,” I say looking at them. They breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

“Seriously? I am not that stupid,” I grudgingly say. It still makes me smile inwardly, though: the thought that they are there to warn me when they think I am about to rampage. As if on trance, they all look like they just realize something. Gale speaks

“Yes. You are dumbell,” Gale counters my remark ‘I am not that stupid’. I frown at him, and then I hear Chesca giggle. Jay stifles a chuckle in no success, too.

I look at them this time slightly irritated. Why are they so amused?

“What?” I ask indignantly.

Jay points on my back. I turn around slowly and see just what the reason I look so stupid right now.

On top a small shelf, beside a small lamp lays a telephone, sitting pretty in how I see as a mocking way. I feel blood rush in my face. I must be blushing horribly.

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