XX: ..Go

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Chapter 20 - ..Go

“Blasted little button. Why is it on the bloody floor anyway?!” I say, furiously tapping the red light around us. Every time I touch the surface of an invisible thing, a barrier appears. It doesn’t sting but it doesn’t let my fingers pass outside. 

“Isn’t dueling dangerous?” I question, lowering my voice. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that there is no way out and I have to do this stupid thing. I just do not understand why a button that will trigger a duel is lying on the ground. I think it's so out of the box and annoying. What if they accidentally push the thing and is forced to fight?

“No,” En replies simply. 

“What if you die?” I ask, incredulous.

“Before engaging into a duel, the players have to be in a specific area where they turn into avatars. This avatars fight but they use their user’s energy and skills. So the user will not really be wounded or hurt but their energies will be used.” 

“But I don’t see any avatar," I state looking outside, through the dome that encompasses En and I, to the battling gifteds. 

“It can only be seen in that specific area. So the watching crowd will view the match as if its real.”

“But what if the avatars die? Will their users be out of energy?” 

“It depends.” he shrugs. I stare back at the two people dueling and admire how graceful they look. I wonder if I'll ever look as graceful as them. But I'm not giving up hope just yet. I don't want to duel especially if it's with En. I'm still hoping I'll find a weakness in this dome somehow.

“If we want to get out. Looks like there is no other way.” En says after awhile of silence. His voice is resigned, indicating that he doesn't want to do this either.

“Your suggesting we duel?” I look at him.

"Yes. What can we do?"

I don't know how to answer that one so I keep my mouth shut.

After a few seconds, he shrugs, knowing that I've got no answer. I swallow hard. En can manipulate three elements while I can only do one. Just my rotten luck that I'm stuck with this pro.

“Okay. So, when do we start. Now?” I say after awhile. I managed to not sound nervous but I really am. They say that if you can't back down, might as well chin up and act brave. 

En chuckles. If he is surprised at my courage or at leat a little scared, he didn't show it. He kept his cool expression and say, “We have to set the conditions first.”

 “Have you tried this before?” I question.

“No. But I read,” he answers.

“Fine. Do whatever.”

He taps and presses on the machine that materialized along with the duel zone. He does that for five minutes while I go around, desperately searching for holes.

“Stand there.” He points at a small green circle that is slowly taking form.

I do as he says and I instantly feel a presence.

“Jade Masters. Element: air, Gender: female,” a robotic voice announces. I felt the entity drown into me. I don't feel anything bad. I just think it's really creepy to know there is an avatar inside you.

En walks across me and steps inside on a green circle identical to where I stand. We are yards away from each other.

“En Yma. Element: fire, water and lightning Gender: male.” the same robotic voice says. 

J.ade, A.ir D.efying E.lementalistWhere stories live. Discover now