Chapter 2

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Okay. Be calm. She'll hate you if your aren't. Breathe in. Breathe out.

"What chya doing?" I asked making them both jump.

"She invited me over for a swim and she fell in the pool and sunk to the bottom so I was giving her CPR." He lied.

"If only Kellin Quinn could lie like that. But yeah, im not mad. Your 15 and I trust you." I said hoping not to regret it.

"Kellin Quinn? Thats my cousin." Andy informed.

"Yeah.... get out." I said. Kellin QuinNs cousin. OH HELL NO.

"Vic?!" Mia whined.

"Ugh fine." I gave in.

Mom opened the door. Pttf, I wasnt scared for Mia or Andy, im a good liar.

"Uhm.. Mia why is there a boy here?!" Mama said as soon as she came in the door.

"Dont worry, he lost a bet to me and just owes me $10, bye Andy." I said causally.

Andy played it cool and left. "So mama, whats for dinner?" I asked hoping she got something good I was starving!

Mama set the bags down. "Taco Tuesday!"

"Yes!" My sister and I said at the same time. Mama went in the kitchen.

"Thank you." Mia said so relieved I was glad I didnt yell at her. She really likes him.

"Your welcome. But now you owe me" I said. I could make some use out of that.

Mia and I watched an episode of Sponge Bob and dinner was done. Taco Tuesdays always fun. We finished dinner and time seemed to fly by and it was 9:45.

I laid down left with my thoughs and wasnt ready for tomorrow. I got a shower.. pttf what.. I didnt sing in the shower or anything. Uhm.. anyways.. I went to bed.


My clock read 6:30.. ugh... do I have to get up.. I sighed. Ugh why get up when the whole time at school all your gonna here is,"HUMP DAYYYYY". Yeah ill pass.

I rolled out of bed, pulled on some skinny jeans and a plain black shirt, grabbed my book bag and Danielles, brushed my teeth and hair then walked out the door. I knew I was going to be early but I drove there... I definitely wasnt walking near Kellin Quinn again. So if I have I ride I dont have to worry about that.

I went in the school with there only being a few people. Danielle was always early so I sat by her.

"Uhm.. hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hi! Did you do my homework?" She asked with that beautiful smile.

"Oh my god! I forgot!" I joked.

"What?!?!" She said angrily.

"Just kidding, here ya go." I said handing her, her book bag. She looked relieved and punched me in the arm playfully.

Good she doesnt think im a creepy stalker.

"So how come you dont drull over Kellin Quinn like every other girl in the school?" I asked.

"Hes just not my type." She said looking at her nails.

"What is your type." I asked.

"Well a guy who doesnt have girls drulling over him all the time, cares about feelings but isnt a big scardy cat." She perfectly described me.

"Well shit, im suprised you havent asked me out" I blurted.

"The guy has to ask me." She looked at me intensely.

"Uhm.. Danielle.... will you-"

"VIC. VIC. VIC. I NEEED TO TALK TO YOUU!!!!!" Jaime interrupted.

He took my hand and dragged me to the bathroom.

"You just cock blocked me, this has to be important."

"Brendon.. isnt going to make i-" he was interrupted by tears. (Author speaking: dis is brendon urie. So yes. U should cri) No! He cant!

"He should pass today, your moms going to excuse you so we can spend the day with him." Jaime explained. I started to cry.

"Oh... and one other thing."

"Yeah?" I asked.

Its hard to be excited though. Brendons dying. "When are they coming?" I asked with a tear running down my face.

"Right now."

I wiped my tears and we walked out the bathroom. Mama was standing there. I ran and hugged her. I needed comfort. I didnt want to waist time so it was a quick hug and off to the car.

We got to the hospital to find Brendon. Room 32. He was awake. He had tubes and those things I always hated shuved up his nose.

But Brendon just smiled and said,"Hi Vic, hey Jaime." I closed my eyes trying to block tears.. but they were streaming out my face. "Aw Vic dont cry! Its okay. Im not going to suffer anymore. Hallelujah." He said coughing.

"I have kidney cancer. Not very many people get it or survive it. These stupid fucks litterally just diagnosed it yesterday and ive been sick for 2 weeks... theres no saving me." Brendon said with a little anger.

"Just incase anything happens.. I want to say goodbye. Right now." I said with my voice cracking.

"Brendon. You and I have been friends since 6 grade. Well actually 7th.. I just met you and 6th grade. You cut my hair off and I hated your guts.. thanks for the memories, even though they werent so great. (Author speakingg: I add lyrics in here all the time... just saying (: )

Brendon smiled.. and I havs never been so happy to see brendon smile. Being sick. Coughing, sneezing, the whole 9 yards and he manages a smile.

The rest said there good byes. It wasnt long till the machine made that flat beeping sound. "NO BRENDON WAKE UP! I KNOW YOU CAN HERE ME!" doctors were rushing in, pulling me and my friends out. He was gone.

Unfortunately... we had to go back to school. It was 12:32 anndd thank goddd. I missed math. We were in Health Class. That was always interesting. There wasnt a lot of people.

"Im going to take attendance." Mr. Slepski called out.

"Okay... lets see, Gabe, Vic, katelynn, alysha, gerard, kellin." he stopped.

"Does anyone know where Brendon is?"

"He died of Kidney cancer this morning..." I said holding back tears.

"Sorry for your loss." I heard a familiar voice say. It was Kellin. Why does he care.

Mr. Slepski went on and on about cleanliness. But class was over soon and the day went by pretty fast. The bell rang and thank god it did. I wanted to go home.

I picked up my sister... it was a very quiet ride home.

I need a cigarette... I didnt usually smoke, nor was I addicted but I dont know why it helped so much. Maybe if I go for a walk ill be fine.

I started my walk by putting in headphones. Then after about 10 minutes of walking, I should go back. Then.. I felt an ear plug being pulles out. OH HELL NO. NO ONE PULLS MY HEAD PHONES OUT!

Once again. It. Was. Kellin. Quinn.

"What do you want...?"

"I wanna say im sorry for the way I treated you for the past couple years.. and I dont want to be that guy.. but. I really need some one right now. I.. I just got kicked out of my house and Gabe hates me and now so does everyone else... I dont know what to do." Kellin said making me feel kind of bad

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