I Lied.

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Caleb's POV.

As soon as I sat down, the oven beeped.

I got up and went into the kitchen.  I grabbed the cookies and put it inside the oven.  I got the seasoned steak and went outside, on my balcony, and turned on the grill. I put the two steaks on the grill.

Tonight was the night that Hanna was coming over to "meet" Isabella. But what Hanna doesn't know is that there is no Isabella. I'm telling her over dinner that I lied. I don't know how she'll react. All I know is, that I'm nervous and that she will be here soon.

About 20 minutes  later, the steaks were done so I put them on a tray, turned off the grill, and headed back inside.

I set the tray down on the counter and poured myself a glass of water.

Knock. Knock.

I put the glass down and walked to the door. I calmed myself down by taking deep breaths and opened the door.

Hanna stood there in a light pink casual dress that went down just above her knees.  To compliment her dress, she wore white sandals.

"Hi Hanna.  You look great." I said, opening the door wider.

"Thanks Caleb.  So is Isabella here?"  She says as she walks inside.

"Nope.  She-"  I start to say, but stop myself, not getting anymore words out.

"She what?"

"She won't be coming until later."  I say, lying.

"Oh, well why?"

"You know, work and stuff.  Shall we eat?"  I say, already walking to get the utensils.

I hear Hanna following me.

"Shouldn't we wait for Isabella?  I mean, it's kinda rude to eat dinner without her."  Hanna says.

"Um, no.  She's cool with us eating without her. "  I grabbed the plates and utensils, walking to the table, and setting everything down, making it look nice.

Hanna comes in with the food and sets it down in the center of the table.  She sits down across from me.

"Can you get me a glass of water please?"  Hanna asks.

"Yeah, of course.  I'll get you a napkin too."  I reply, walking to the kitchen, towards the cabinet where I keep my cups.

I grabbed a glass cup and filled it with cold water, grabbing a napkin after. I grabbed Hanna's cup of water and my cup of water from earlier and headed back to the dining room to find Hanna looking around the room while still sitting down. 

I set her glass and napkin on the table in front of her.

"There you go."  I said, sitting down.

"Thanks."  She says, taking a sip of water.

I nod my head towards her, also taking a sip of my water.

"Here, I made your steak well done.  You still like your steak like that right?"  I said,  taking the tongs in my hand and grabbing the well done steak and putting it towards Hanna's plate. 

"Yup.  You still like yours alive right?"  She says, lifting her plate and pushing it towards me. 

"Hanna, medium steak is not still alive."  I laugh.

"Well there's still blood, which makes it alive."  She says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I just laugh and shake my head, putting my steak on my plate and picking up my fork and steak knife, cutting my steak in to pieces.

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