ASIS Part 2

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"No, absolutely not."

Sherlock rolled his eyes, scoffing at the shorter mans overreacted response.

"John, don't be so quick to dismiss. It's in the name of science."

John scoffed at Sherlock and felt his skin heating up. "How is us... Being intimate, have anything to do with science?"

"Don't you see John, the types of studies that William Masters did was dated fifty years ago. Before we had the advancements in technology that would lead to one hundred percent accurate results. Plus Masters and Johnson steered away from anything out of the norm. Only working with heterosexual couples. John we- this, could be revolutionary."

John refused to meet Sherlock's eyes as he proceeded to aggressively shake his head. "No."

Sherlock sighed heavily and briskly strode over to John and tilted his chin up so that their eyes met, his gaze flickering down to his mouth. Had he been more courageous, he would've kissed him. But it was the crippling fear of losing Johns friendship by crossing a boundary line, that made him pull away instead and storm off to his room.

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