Untitled Part 3

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Johns head snapped up when he heard the sound of the front door opening. Sherlock had been out to the late hours of the night and John was beginning to grow concerned. But it wasn't Sherlock who stepped through the door. It was a woman.

With hair that stood in a beehive style, overbearingly excessive makeup, and a skintight black dress. Wearing some of the tallest heels John had ever seen, making her presence even grander. John was about to question this woman as to why she was in his home when Sherlock followed behind her, stuttering when he made eye contact with John.

"John, I thought you'd be out."

John narrowed his eyes at Sherlock and asked him to join him in the kitchen for a private word.

"Who is that woman Sherlock?"

He hesitated. "She's a professional."

John buried his face in his hands, to hide his disapproval. After a moment, he left the kitchen and approached the woman who was now sitting in his chair. He handed her a few bills and pointed her to the door. Her services would no longer be needed.

Sherlock looked to John in outrage. "John, what were you thinking, I needed her."

John didn't even bother hiding the hostility in his voice when he spoke now. "What was I thinking? What were you thinking Sherlock? You know, for someone so intelligent, you can be incredibly stupid. She could have been carrying any amount of diseases. Damn it, Sometimes you act so impulsively, without any concern of the consequences. If it means this much to you then fine, I'll do it."

Throughout his lecture Sherlock hadn't met Johns eyes. But now he was staring directly at him, trying to make out whether or not he meant his words.

"You're lying."

John approached Sherlock. His expression not holding a hint of humor. And although he was shorter than Sherlock, his presence dominated the room. "Try me."

Sherlock was hesitant, still unsure if John was bluffing. But he was willing to take the risk. He awkwardly reached out and placed his hand on the curve of Johns back and leaned in till he and John were nose to nose. He hesitated, giving John a chance to back out of the arrangement. But to his surprise, John was the one who closed the space between the two of them, gently reaching up and embedding his fingers into Sherlock's hair.

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