Chapter 7 (smut/erotic chapter)

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I stare at the book on the desk as malcolm paces behind me.

"Have you paced enough yet like seriously!" I turn around yelling at him.

"Well at least I'm doing something instead of sitting there doing nothing," he says getting back in my face yelling.

I push him into a wall and look up at him, "IM DOING NOTHING SERIOUSLY."

My bodies heat begins to turn the water in the room to vapor and disperse.

"Yeah," he screams back.

"IVE BEEN SITTING HERE SINCE YESTERDAY NIGHT TRYING TO PUT PIECES TOGETHER MALCOLM!" Tears started to burn at my eyes and my hair catch fire.

I can see my red eyes through the reflection in his and then he grabs the part of my leg underneath my butt lifting me into him.

Oh seriously.

"I love when you get pissed off," he says kissing on my neck sucking it gently.

Being pissed his wonderful soft lips felt so nice and cold on my hot skin. He turnes around slamming my back into the wall making me gasp and arch my back.

He smiles kissing me biting my lips. If anyone saw us they'd believe we were being disgusting but really this will truly tell us if were destined mates.

Weird right? I look over to the dresser as he sets me on the bed and remember the loose paper we found in the book.

Its a page by the creator. He wrote malcolm and my name together. Before i know it Im staring at the dark skinned upper body of my "mate."

He runs his hands from my abdomen up kissing at my neck and chest. His cold lips and skin makes steam come off my body.

I twist my body around and squirm with his every touch. It rather tickles. My clothing is removed from my body and i seem to forget all my insecurities.

He kisses me deeply our tongues intertwining and a strong source of a electrical current coursing between us. His body pops and shifts growing larger with muscles.

I look at my skin growing extra pale and my hair getting hotter than ever. Strength and agility begins to course through me and i stare him in the eyes wrapping my legs around his waist as he presses his member into me.

As are bodies mature and connect he continues gliding his member appropriately with my body. His eyes seem to change color and stare deeper into mine more lovingly.

I kiss him when a knock signals someones at the door then the mail trap clicks closed. Was someone watching?

He removes his member and the close completed connection i once felt was gone but the feeling of power was still present.

He gets dressed grabbing up the paper on the floor and i put my clothing on once again. I move across the floor looping my arm in his and resting my head on his shoulder while i read whats in his hand.

Dear Balance Borns,

Thank you for coming to find me. And thank you for looking for help in books; not many do that anymore. You both are intelligent and strong you are the ones i have been waiting for.

Meet me on Combshell Rd 14927. There we will continue your destiny and you'll get your answer.

Sincerely Jozlynn.

He hands me the paper and i lay it in the book page with the other clues. I pick it up and start to walk out the door.

"Where the fuck are you going," he says grabbing my wrist.

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