Chapter 2

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"Dex," started Grace later that evening.
"You're sending me back aren't you?" Dex replied.
"No honey! All I want to do is contact you're social worker and see if.. if Chester and I could maybe foster you?" Grace asked hesitantly.
Dex's eye got wide. "Really?"
"Yes really," Chester said walking in.
"I-uh- have her contact number here and address," Dex explained.
"That's great thank you," said Grace.
"Go wash up please we're having dinner soon."
"Okay," said Dex.
She looked excited. Grace's heart broke when she remembered that Dex really didn't get any meals.
"I hope you like lasagna!" Chester exclaimed.
"What's lasagna?" Dex asked.
Chester was shocked and said "Well it's red sauce, noodles, and some cheese."
"Sounds yummy," smiled Dex.
They sat down and discussed things about Dex.
"So Dex," started Chester. "I heard you like music."
"Oh I love music. I know how to play piano but I've always wanted to learn guitar and ukulele," The girl explained.
"Well your in luck," smiled Grace. "Chester plays piano and he is also wanting to learn guitar and ukulele."
"Yep! I'm actually learning guitar so we can learn together."
"So you're serious about fostering me?"
"Yeah honey! We are super serious about fostering you."
"Thank you so much," replied Dex. "No one has ever really been serious about taking care of me."
Grace and Chester both got up and went to hug, Dex.
"We're super serious, Dexter," said Chester. "We really really like you."
"Hey Dex, what tv shows do you like?" asked Chester.
"Um-I-I don't know..." She said looking down.
"Well come here, I have a to show that might peek you're interest."
Dex sat down next to Chester with Grace on the other side.
"What's this show called?"
"It's called Once Upon a Time. Here, we have Netflix so we'll watch it from the beginning."
After about 2 episodes in Grace found Dex leaning on Chester, sleeping soundly as Chester was also doing the same thing. Grace's heart broke. It was really sweet.
"Ches," she whispered.
"Shhhh don't move. But look."
Chester saw Dex leaning on Chester.
"Wow this is really cute," Chester whispered.
"Hey Dex?"
"Mmhmm? Oh I'm so sorry Mr. See," Dex said as soon as she knew she was sleeping on Chester.
"Oh it's no problem. Call me Chester."
"Ok then. Chester," Dexter said wearily.
"Come here Dex, I'll show you your room," Grace said.
"Oh I could just sleep on the couch if you want. I don't mean to be a nuisance."
"Aw sweetie, you'll never be a nuisance to us," explained Chester. "From here on out, you can call us Grace and Chester. You can eat whatever you would like out of the fridge just not too much. And you can sleep in the bedroom we have prepared for you."
"I really appreciate this. Even if you guys are just going to foster me. I've never... I've never had a family like this," Dex said almost in tears. Grace was almost in tears as well.
"Come on here sweetie, I'll show you to your room."
"Wow this is a really big room," remarked Dex.
"It was the second spare bedroom but it'll be yours. We don't get guests that often anyways," said Chester.
"Wow, thank you so much. I am forever grateful for this," Dex smiled.
The young girl suddenly looked troubled.
"What's wrong?" asked Grace.
"It's just... I don't have any bedtime clothes. But it's no big deal. I have a new pair of clothes in here."
"Wait here one second," said Grace.
And just like that she was back with pajama pants and an old shirt.
"Here. Take these and tomorrow will be a whole day of shopping for you."
"Really? Wow thank you so much. But you really don't have to get me a lot of things. I don't want you to waste your money."
"Don't worry about that. Chester and I have it taken care of," she smiled at the girl. "You should get some sleep. You've had a long day."
As if on cue, Dex's puppy, Chelsea, hopped up on the covers.
"Oh I'm sorry I'll have her sleep on the floor. Down Chels," she scolded her dog.
"No it's okay honey. Goose sleeps on our bed all the time."
And again, as if on cue Goose ran up the stairs and hobbled onto Dexter's bed.
"Goose no!" Grace said. "Leave the girl alone."
"Oh it's okay I don't mind it," said Dex.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
"Alright. Good night Dex. See you tomorrow," said Grace. She kissed her on the head and hugged her. Chester did the same.
"Thank you so much Ms.- I mean... Grace and Chester."
"Don't mention it," they both said and closed Dex's door enough to leave a small crack in it.
"So what do you think about, Dex?" asked Chester.
"This many sound weird but... but I really like her. I want to take care of her."
"Understandable. Grace it may be your maternal instincts kicking in. Like a mothers would."
"Yeah. It may be."
She smiled.
"I love you Ches."
"Love you too. And. I think my maternal instincts are kicking in too."
Grace laughed and kisses Chester. Then fell asleep.

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