Chapter 3

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(A/N: Smut and trigger warnings. I guess this would kind of count as molestation trigger warning but idek. Sorry for mistakes and thanks for reading as always <3)

Minho actually held to his word in getting Newt better living standards. Newt now had a small, simple bed, an end table with a light, and he had gotten the water turned on to get the sink in the small room to function. Then a small mirror was placed above it a few days later when the chains were taken off of Newt and out of the room. Newt honestly couldn't believe Minho had had such a major change of heart, so much so he was a little skeptical. But for now, he would go with it.

Minho always brought him food and water once a day as usual, but now the food was actually tasteful and warm most of the time. He appeared to really care about the human now, even though he never showed it through words. But oh well, "actions speak louder than words".

But eventually, Minho had to feed again. He could feel his insides practically withering away inside of him, and he couldn't stall it any longer. So, he went into Newt's room and found him sitting on his bed as he did pretty often.

Newt had gotten accustomed to what times Minho usually came in so he instantly knew something was up when the vampire entered the room, then shut the door again behind him.

Minho sighed and walked over, "Alright....I've waited as long as I possibly can but...I have got to feed. As much as I don't want to hurt you I can't make any promises." Ugh, I'm killing myself with kindness here.

The blond seemed worried and hesitant but for good reasoning. Last time Minho had fed on him those two weeks ago, Minho had practically ravished him. But nevertheless, Newt slowly sat up and scooted forward a little on the bed to allow Minho to sit or kneel beside him. He was allowing it due to the fact he could visibly see just how much of a toll Minho's body was enduring. He looked even paler than usual and his eyes had a pinkish rim around them, the irises having a tint of that lifeless yellow to them constantly. He just looked like kind of sick and weak in general.

Minho approached and knelt on the bed with one knee, looking down at the human with a soft expression but wanting to just devour the boy on the inside. He couldn't. This was already going better than any other time so he had to keep it up.

The Asian then gently took Newt's jawline in one hand and used his thumb to tilt the male's head to the side like always. Then he sat on the bed with one leg under him and held down Newt's shoulder slightly to make sure the blond didn't stop the process. As he neared his lips to the small male's neck his fangs instantly came out of their slots in need, triggered by how incredible Newt's blood smelled. The scent filled Minho's enhanced senses and he had to blink a couple times, fighting the strong instinct to just mercilessly mangle that smooth, scarred neck.

He placed the sharp tip of his fangs on the skin, then bit with just enough speed to break the skin but it not hurt as much as it had before. And the crimson liquid began to trickle out.

Newt stifled his sound of pain and his eyes squeezed shut. His hands impulsively went up and a hand went around each of Minho's wrists to fight him off, but he stopped there. He just stayed in that position, as though ready to ruin this good streak if it got to be too much.

Minho was a little worried at his wrists being held tightly, due to the fact that Newt may start to fight him, but he kept going, sinking his teeth in all the way and causing more blood to flow out. Then he pulled away when he heard Newt stifle another small cry to observe how much blood would be coming out. Satisfied with what he saw, he placed his lips over the wounds and began to suck on the flesh.

Newt's blood was rich and tasted a million times better now that Minho had been nourishing the human properly. He couldn't believe the difference and made a mental note to make sure that continued.

Blood Is Thicker (Minewet Vampire/Bloodslave AU)Where stories live. Discover now