Chapter 12- Battle on the bridge Part 1

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  *Still Aaliyah's POV*

  We finally arrived at the bridge, Suki was excited to we what it was like to build a bridge.  I ran into Sasuke's back and fell on my butt, causing Suki to fall with me and Kohana to whine. "What the heck Uchiha!" I screamed at him.  Suki gasped and burried face in my hair.  I picked her up while looking over Sasuke's shoulder to see why everyone was silent.

    Then I saw it.  Dead bodies strewn all over the bridge.  The blood stll pouring from the wounds; what happened here?

    "What happened!" Tazuna yelled, helping someone sit up, "What could have...?"

    "Shhh," I whispered to Suki trying to get her to stop crying, "It'll be alright.  Just don't look it'll be alright,"  All of a suden it got really misty, really fast.

    "They're coming!"  Kakashi yelled at us.  We formed a cirlce around Tazuna and prepared for the worst.  I put Suki on Kohana's back and handed her the leash.

    "Trust Kohana, she'll take care of you," After the few weeks since we got her she grew, a lot.  She's probably almost full grown.  She has trained along side us as well.  Kohana can jumo higher and is faster than most of us, she has yet to beat Dad's time though.

    "Morgan and Aaliyah go over to the edge of the bridge,"  Dad ordered. We looked at him suspiciously but did as we were told.  Bad idea.

    He tied us to the edge of the bridge! "What are you doing?" Morgan questioned bitterly.

    "I am not letting either of you to get hurt.  As my daughters it is my job to protect you.  There is still a lot to teach the two of you, things the others cant learn, and dying won't help.  Just stay here please,"  He whispered, then he disapeared and reapered in his old spot.

*Back over at the fight*

    "Been awhile Kakashi. And i see you got those brats tagging along just like last time.  That boy's trembeling again, poor thing," Zabuza said sacrasticly, while hiding in the mist.  Using his ninja speed Zabuza created enought doppel gangers to surround them.

    "I'm trembling with excitment, to beat you," Sasuke said smirking.  Zabuza just kept his poker face which pretty much said , 'I could careless'.

    "Go ahead, Sasuke,"  Kakashi said making a closed eye smile.  Sasuke steped forward and slashed the first Zabuza, he ran around them slashing each one with lighting speed.  In a matter if seconds he was back in his place with Zabuza doppel gangers splattering into water on the ground.

    "Well, it seems my doppel gangers were obviously no match for you," Zabuza said sarcastically, "It seems your brats have matured quite a bit... Into worthy rivials.  Eh, Haku?"

    "Indeed," Haku agreed.  They were both visible now but rather far away.  It sucks that Morgan and I have to watch the fight from the sidelines.  Morgan looks pretty pisses, like she might kill someone pissed.

    "It seems that I was right.  Our mysterious masked friend, is playing in Zabuza's team," Kakashi mumbled bitterly.

    "He has the nerve, showing up like this," Sakura argued angrily.

    "This one's mine," Sasuke said, trying to sound togh, "That was quite a show you put on before, but we're on to you now...And I hate ham actors!"

    Morgan and I sat there, wishing we had a bucket of popcorn to go along with the show.  I looked over to see Suki curled up in a ball and Kohana kaying next to her.  So cute.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~

    WOOHOO I finally updated! I got a random burst of insperation today and decided to write, I'll probably write a little more this weekend.  School has seriously taken a tole on me but it's almost summer! YAY!  When summer is here i will defiently attempt to get back into updating and writing and all that jazz.  So more to come soon but i have high school assements and finals so that comes first.


PS i got the new Naruto game and im pretty sure thats what gave me the motivation to write. ^_^

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