Chapter 10 - Inari's Past

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Aaliyah's POV

I sat down next to Inari and patiently waited for my food. We had just finished another day of training, with each day that passes it gets easier and easier to climb the tree. As soon as the food hit the table Sasuke and Naruto began to eat, rapidly. They could have choked. Although within a matter of minutes they were done their first bowl and kept eating.

"Boy this is real fun! I can't remember the last time we shared a meal with so many people!!" Tazuna said smiling.

"More please!" Naruto and Sasuke shouted and stood at the same time. Seconds later they both threw up, making me want to stop eating.


"No, I want to eat." Sasuke said forcefully while whipping his mouth.

"Because even if we make ourselves sick doing it, we have to eat if we want to get strong." Naruto smiled.

Morgan shook her head and finished her food. I got up and smacked them both upside the head, hitting Sasuke a little harder.

"Listen up idiots! There are a lot of kids out there who would love to even taste the food you're eating. They have to beg and scavenge for their food! If you are just going to throw it up you are not eating. You are wasting it! And if you throw it up again or eat anymore food.... I'm going to kill you." I said while taking their dishes to the kitchen. Glaring at them as I came back and sat down.

'They don't even need all that food. I feel do bad for those kids that don't have anything to eat tonight. I wish I could give them some. Gato needs to die in a hole,' After the table was cleared we all started to talk about random stuff, I just wanted to sleep. 'I wonder what gaara is doing...'

"Um-- why is this picture torn?" Sakura asked looking at the torn picture on the wall. "Little Inari was looking at this the whole time we were having dinner. Someones' face is completely gone. Is that deliberate?"

I gave her an 'you are a complete idiot for asking, of course the did it on purpose, I should slap you' look. Everyone got quiet and look to Tazuna for an answer.

"It was a picture of Inari's father," Tsunami said quietly.

"Once upon a time if you will...Our entire called him a hero," Tazuna started to say until Inari quickly got up and started to leave the room.

"Inari! Where are you going?" Tsunami said reaching out for him but not leaving from her spot in front of the sink. He slammed the door behind him. 'Poor kid...' I thought to myself.

The room fell silent once again.

"FATHER! I've told you time and time again not to mention that in front of my son!" Tsunami yelled before she left, slamming the door as well. She probably went to comfort him, poor soul, I feel so bad for him.

"So... You're talking about what it is that made Inari act so strangely?" Sakura asked, tilting her head slightly.

"It sounds like a story there..." Kakashi said, setting down his tea.

"The man in the picture was not Inari's birth father...But they were as loving and close as a biological father and son could have been. Inari was such a happy, laughing child back then..." Tazuna said beginning to cry, I looked over at Morgan, she was just sitting there staring at her cup. He continued, "But Inari changed...After what happened to his father, our people -and especially little Inari- were robbed of the very meaning of courage...Because of what happened that day," Everyone was watching as Tazuna to find out what happened. Morgan and I already know because we watches and read this when we were in our world.

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