Chapter 4

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Gina P.O.V.

"Okay, everyone huddle up!" Coach Smith called blowing his whistle.

I stopped chattering with my friend Mackenzie and followed where everyone was sitting in a circle.

"Alright listen, today was a nice practice. Make sure you stay fresh Friday for game day against Buffalo, but also tomorrow for more practice. Do your job and trust your fellow mates. Got that?" He was pacing back and forth while jotting notes on his clip board. I honestly felt like I played good today but I could not stop looking at the guys who were still sitting down eyeing me. I felt my cheeks blush not knowing why, but I decided to let that go and listen to what coach Smith had to say.

" Who are we?!" He shouted with a hint of motivation in his voice.

"THE EAGLES!" We called back.


"THE EAGLES!!" We got up gathering together with our hands up while shouting back.

"And who are we going to beat this Friday?"

"Buffalo!" We cheered until we it was over and then we huddled all of our equipment and head back to our cars for tonight's rest. I walked back hanging around with Mackenzie and Olivia chattering about Fridays's game.

"I'm a bit nervous for the game, guys." Mackenzie said while gazing at the green grass below us that were brushing our feet.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because what if we lose? Or we don't make it to the final championship?" I shook my head sideways. Why is she being so pessimistic. I mean I understand that is one of the biggest games in our lives, well in my life. Still it is not right to think that way. Besides, we have practice and played multiple games in which we have won. Even trophies.

"Don't worry Mackenzie, we will win. If you keep thinking negatively, then we'll not have good results because you will be focusing of losing than winning." I rubbed her shoulder trying to comfort her. She gave a weak smile.

"Yeah, as Felix said, we'll do fine. Just relax and we're gonna work as a team to win this, alright?" Olivia continued.

"Thanks girls, you two are amazing friends!" Mackenzie gave us a side hug while having a huge smile on her face. suddenly, "Gina, are you done with training now? Oh, hey Olivia." Paul greeted as John, George and Ringo followed next to him. Olivia had a knowing smirk while her eyes were on me.

"Yeah, we're done." I answered.

"Hello." Olivia waved.

"I see you have brought another friend with you." John said mentioning Mackenzie who she sheepishly stood with us, her cheeks turning a bit red. I introduce her to them the same way I did with Olivia. We talked for a little while, then we gave each other a goodbye hug and headed to our separate ways.


I parked the car in the drive way at the same time the lads mentioned how they felt and thought about me throughout the game. I couldn't stop smiling for the positive and funny comments I heard from them. Furthermore, after we got in the house, I ate a small snack and then I excused myself to get cleaned up. After I was done with my routine I came downstairs finding them watching TV. I joined them and my closest sit to the couch was next to Ringo. We commence a conversation, then without realizing I laid my head in Ringo's lap. He didn't mind though, he by so slowly he begin to play with my hair and I immediately zoned off.



I woke up to the sound of my alarm, getting up and roughly turning it off. Cautiously, I looked around my surroundings, I found myself laying in my bed. Trying to remember what happened last night an image in my head appeared where I fell asleep in Ringo's lap. A small grin popped in my face. Getting back to reality, I looked at the time and it said 8:40 a.m.

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