Chapter 7

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It's been couple of days after the game on Friday against Buffalo. I had to wake up early that day to have one last practice for the night's game. The four lads from England decided to wait for me at home, but attend to the game to support me in this big experience. The nerves didn't hit me until I found myself in this enormous softball stadium filled with fans, cheering for my team, or the team against us. My hands sweated and my stomach felt sick. Looking around the stadium, I saw cameras facing us where we appeared on big screens for the people could see us better. We walked to the benches to prepare ourselves, and make a plan for what techniques we were going to apply. Afterwards, we walked in a straight line shaking hands against our opposite team. Some girls gave me friendly grins with positive comments like "Good luck on the game." or "Whoever wins better today." Some others did not comment anything, but gave me a dirty looks as if saying "You're going down." Last, but not least we saluted to the American flag for the Pledge of Allegiance. While the national hymn played I looked for the four mop top heads, only to find them saluting as well but having their gazes at me. I was genuinely glad having them with me.

"You'll be third batter, Felix. Be prepared." Coach Smith said. I gave a small nod.

As the game continued, it became really intense; however, we achieved what we all waited for the night: We won 5 - 3.


The band and I were in the garage practicing their songs to kill some time. I did enjoy every song they played. Meanwhile I was on the computer working on the English paper that Jason and I have been working on. I was in deep focus when Paul spoke.

"So what are we doing today?" 

I looked up and realize that I had nothing going on today. After the game, coach Smith let us had the day off. Although, we were going to compete against other teams soon. I didn't have class today as I only have school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 'What were we going to do today?' I asked myself that question too.

"I... don't know. What do you guys want to do today?" I threw back the question at them. They looked at me for a moment, then at each other as if they were having a telepathic conversation going on. The silence broke out when George answered,

"Let's go eat somewhere!" We cheered. We actually cheered.

We changed out of our filthy clothes and head out to the road. We went to eat at a burger place that is quite popular in Chicago. Then we went bowling. Once we got there, people followed me with their stares. I wasn't sure if they were staring at me because they could recognize who they were (even though they were wearing their disguises), or just the fact that I was the only girl with this group of men. However, no one came to say anything.

"Why are people staring?" George whispered into my ear. I shrugged my shoulders. It was a pretty fun game. I went first because they said I was the lady. Then John went second, Paul, George, and finally Ringo. I was winning for the most part until John scored three strikes, only for his score to increase. Paul and George tied. Ringo.. Well, he wasn't close yet. Though, the lads made fun of him, he went along with it not without mocking them as well. In the end they were just messing around with each other. I always knew they were all one person split in four.   

 After a while, we went back home satisfied with ourselves, then we got the idea of watching a movie in the living room. 

"What do you guys wanna watch? I've got tons of all kinds of movies." I said while I searched for a movie to watch in the wooden shelf next to the tv. 

"Whatever you got there." Ringo shrugged his shoulders.

"Just don't put any romance or cheesy movies, they make me fall asleep." John made a disgusted face, his expression made me giggle. 'Ugh, tell me about it'  Honestly, I wasn't a romance person myself. They always told this perfect love story which I knew in reality it would never happen. Then my eyes sparked when they landed on the perfect movie to watch. I picked "White Chicks".

I sat in the middle of the couch between John and Paul. Ringo and George  sat on the other couch. 

"What's this movie about?" George inquired.

"Oh, you'll see. This is one of my favorite movies."

"Is it good?" Paul looked over at me.

"Well if I said it's one of my favorites, then yes it is good."

"Where's the popcorn?" John asked out of nowhere. Wow, normally George is the one who wonders about food.. So I went up to the kitchen to make popcorn, suddenly I realized we didn't have any and I was running out of food! I called the lads that I was going to the market to buy some groceries, and on the way buy popcorn too. The only response I heard from them was, "Mhmm." Before I got in the car, Ringo came out rushing. 

"Can I come with you?" 

"Don't you wanna watch the movie with the lads? I won't take long." He shook his head no.

"Nah, I'm always with them, they won't even notice I have left the house."  Ringo walked over the car to open the door and got in. A smile crept on lips as I start the car.

"Alright Mr. Starkey, if you say so." He didn't say anything afterwards, yet his glowing eyes focus on the road. It was a quick trip to the store. I just went straight to gather the things we needed and back to pay to the cashier register. Ringo was distracted gawking every isle we went. At one point he hit himself on the food shelf knocking some cans over to the ground. I couldn't help laugh at his clumsy actions. The car ride was quiet only for low music to follow. It didn't last long until Ringo broke the silence.

"I'm really happy that you won on Friday, Gina. I knew you were going to win." Ringo said resting his  hand full of rings on my right hand that held on the stick shift while he was sitting on the passenger's seat. 

"Thanks Richie, I'm really proud that I have complete one of the biggest games in my life. But there's more to come."

"Richie?" He questioned, his head turning towards me.

"Yeah, don't you like to be called Richie?"

"Yeah, I do. But how would you know that?"

"Because only me can know the great things about Ringo Starr."

"You sure do know a lot about me, eh?" He replied in a seductive voice.

"It sounds weird when you say it that way." I pointed out. We ended with a slight chuckle while I parked the car at its spot. We looked at each other for a moment when something caught my eye. I looked over Ringo to see a male figure standing on the door. I squinted my eyes to figure out who he was until-


Ringo Turned around, his smug expression fell. We got out the car, him trailing behind me. Jason turned around surprised to see me coming. Then he saw Ringo following behind, his smile dropped a little bit but then he composed himself again.

"Hey, Gina." He greeted.

"Hi, Jason. What are you doing here?" What was he doing here?

"I...heard you guys won, so I wanted to stop by and say hey. I texted you but you never responded back, so I figured why not come by for a little bit." Jason explained, his hands on his pockets while fidgeting himself back and forth. I took my phone out of my pocket to see I've had four new messages from him.

"But I see you have company. I didn't know you had a boyfriend?" He asked disappointed motioning Ringo standing beside me, grocery bags on his hands. My face turned a bit red when he mention that Ringo was my boyfriend.

"Uh.. uh, no he's not my boyfriend. Just a friend." I could hear the nervousness of my voice.

"Oh good, because if he was I thought of leaving you and come back some other time."

I felt really awkward in this position. I mean I do like Jason, but he just took me off guard with all this. 'Think Gina, think.'

"Oh no it's fine you can come in, and hang out for a bit. I have no problem with that." I grinned as best as I could in this part of situation. Jason's face brightened. He stretched his hand in order to shake Ringo's. Ringo put the grocery bag down and held his hand firm.

"I'm Jason." He introduced.

"Richard." Ringo answered curtly, his mood changed almost to the point of being upset.   

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