Chapter 22

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It came to pass that the four Beatles from Liverpool, England who have lived in my house for a few months where we had lived many experiences together our time has come to an end. Not long before, I received a letter from the Women's Softball League inviting me to be part of the national team the same time Ringo asked me to come live with him. I was in a risky dilemma whether what to do, but our passion was so intense that I decided to go with him giving up my career to live this passionate adventure. Ringo was delighted at the thought, something that I feared about our relationship and myself. When George, Paul, and John heard the news they got excited and hugged me, telling me they were going to give me a tour everywhere we went and I could go to their concerts. Something that I was truly excited for, yet nervous.

My best friend kept visiting us and as time went by her shock disappeared and acted normal like I did too. I had an opportunity to talk to her alone away from the guys. I told her everything about what I thought and my decision going with Ringo but promised her that I would come back, if I can. She at first stayed quiet thinking over what I told her. Her feminine features turned into sadness. Suddenly, she crept a smile, hugged me tight as tear streamed down her face. The only thing she said to me was, "As long as you follow your heart and know what you're doing, then you should be fine." I returned the hug and at that point I broke down crying and hugged her tighter.

We had the opportunity to go to her wedding which it was beautiful and fun. I was one of her bridesmaid. Olivia looked stunning in her wedding dress. As the pastor gave the message I could see that Olivia and Austin were happy with each other. Their eyes glowed with happiness, love, and compassion. I turned to look at Ringo who he stood next to the other boys grinning at me. Ringo and I shared a loving look that we'll sometime be the next ones standing in their position. Afterwards, we headed to the party that was held in a mansion with a big outstanding garden. I hung out with friends from school and softball along with Olivia's parents and family. We danced the whole night even though the lads were shy at first but I pulled them along with me and slowly their shyness disappeared. I will never forget this magical wedding I experience with my best friends.

The time came and Ringo's magical ring shined brightly sending us all back in time, collapsing all together. When we woke up I found myself laying next to Ringo who he hugged me protectively while the other three groaned and cursed from the impact.
We were surrounded by a big, simple white master bedroom. To my right side were the windows accompanied by white curtains, on the right side there was a wardrobe with a closet. Other that it was pretty empty. The room gave more light due to the rays of sunlight.

"It's good to be back." Paul sighed in relief seeing the familiar room.

"It's weird the owners never came back after all this time." John mentioned glancing around not seeing a signal from the people who lived here, or used to live here I suppose.

"It's probably that this house is abandoned." George replied.

"You don't know how relief you made me feel after you decided to come with us." Ringo grinned kissing my cheek. I returned the grin and rested my head on his shoulder.

We looked around and to our surprise the house was in fact empty.

"Alright mates and lass, let's go back to the hotel. Probably Brian might be wondering where we are." Ringo declared opening the front door. We all agreed and headed back to their hotel.

"I bet he's been wondering about that for couple of months, now." John joked.

As we walked back, we noticed a group of teenage girls who screamed their name and ran to our direction. My eyes widened in fear and Ringo took my hand.

"Ugh, not this again!" Ringo groaned.

"I guess we have to run for it." Paul said starting to run.

We followed him and ran as fast as we could. 'So this is what The Beatles have to go through everyday, huh?' I wondered to myself as we ran down the sidewalk, turning lefts and rights, jumping over gates in order to escape. People looked at us in surprise recognizing who they were. They parted away in order for us to pass while the teenage girls ran after us. In the end, we made it back to the hotel safely where security officers guarded the entrance, and we rested on the couches from the lobby to catch our breath. For my first experience, I never understood how scary it was to run away from those girls until today. It was like they were hungry and we were the last people who owned food.

When we said we loved each other, he proposed to me that we break our professional purposes and us to start a destination together since our professions did not allow us more than we needed to be a couple. Ringo didn't quit the band of course, and I had the opportunity to travel around with them during tour, and sometimes I had no option but stay home saying it was dangerous for fans to see me around.

It was interesting living in 60's era something that I never thought could be possible to be in this time. It took me a while to get used to this lifestyle and Ringo noticed. The same time it was hard for him to get along with 2015 he taught me how to get along in 1964. It was different seeing it from the internet, books, or videos. But sooner than later I got used to the system. As time progressed, our love increased fervently and the only thing we wanted was to be with each other. But when the band had longer breaks from touring Ringo told me that we were going to Barcelona. When I heard the news I was really excited to go and meet my country in a different time.
Too many thoughts ran through my head but the only thing I said was yes. We could've gone to London, Munich, or even Mexico. But it didn't matter because what mattered was to do everything that we did not know before.

We bought two tickets and we are here in Barcelona. As we travel in silence I thought about what I have left behind.Remembering what Olivia told me about what I should do. Looking at Ringo who sat down next to me I just knew I made the correct decision, or so I thought. I thought about my family, friends, and the long, developed, lost career I sacrificed just to only be with him. As we looked at each other to comment something, we realized we were thinking the same thing. We lived a year together in Barcelona which it is a beautiful city, and other places. It allowed us to visit museums (Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Bunuel and others.) We went to the bullring that was a special experience.

I met Pattie Boyd, Jane Asher, and Cynthia Lennon who were lovely girls and we had a close connection. However, Maureen Cox came in the picture something that bothered me but I tried to keep calm. Even if she flirted with Ringo, he never really payed attention to her only causing her to give me dirty looks. But not everything in this life is filled with happiness. Slowly, we started to drift apart. Our conditional love begin to disappear, those long night talks we used have became silence, a hole in my chest developed in all the loneliness I've been feeling. Ringo would come home late at night, I understood that reason but sometimes it kept me awake wait for him. What truly disappointed me is that one time I caught lipstick mark on his collar shirt. When I asked him about the mark on his collar shirt I knew he have lied to me saying George was messing with him on putting on lipstick but missed. Right it was George who did it... I don't believe it, specially when it had the form of another woman's lips.

One grey morning when we woke up we felt a cold, sharp creaking. We closed our eyes and thought love has broke upon us of using it so much. Of so much mad hugs with no restrains. We completely giving ourselves in on every step it was left on our hands on a certain day our love broke for being so great. We never thought about the winter but winter arrives even if you don't want to. Everything that we didn't do before, and here we delayed ourselves. Our eyes met but we could no longer sustain the lovely look we used to share. Not ever did we thought a flower has never endured two springs.

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