Chapter ¡10!

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[☘ Chapter 10]


 ❝And Above all, watch with a glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.❝  

[✰Sapphire] ✧Present Day  

I can't let him know that I know. If I say something stupid he will know that I know and then whole secrecy will be like a big magic poof.

My face! I was so hoping my stupid face expression didn't betray me, because if he noticed anything then he would know that I know, but then he wouldn't know the whole truth which would leave him wondering what exactly do I know. It also left me wondering if he's a werewolf did he know about my existence? about our existence?

Only thing I knew was that I knew what he was and I kind of had something here, like an apprehend but to what?

He was a werewolf, I had to really take a big step in a back and think wide open. It was close to impossible. I didn't understand how, it certainly didn't make any sense.

There were one of the few creatures out there we never got involved with. Not that we got involved with anyone you know. Sometimes we just have missions we can never say no to.

Most of the times they need our help. We might seem like we are working for the government but in fact we are the balance between supernatural and human world. Story for another time.

Werewolves had their own packs with rules or couple of combined big packs in the world. They had this some kind tread with organization. No matter the circumstances we never got into their business and it was vise versa for them as well. They might have some cruel ways to deal with some situations but it was never our jurisdiction to judge or make any judgmental decision.

They were plenty runaways from packs called Rogues, some chose to just abandon pack some of them was just expelled. But in never came to our attention to deal with any kind of situations. If those wolves harmed anyone it was either some other pack or another wolf.

My history books and smart brain really paid off this time.

Maybe I should really thank Lucas for giving me those books about werewolves to begin with.

Thats how I knew the world Mate, its the term for the Soulmate in the wolf world.

Every werewolf out there has their own mate, I don't know how exactly they find each other or when it starts but it stated that they usually did find each other at some point in their lifetime. I should have read more about them some pieces were like puzzle to me.

He called me Mate. Me, as his soulmate. That was like 0% out of 100.

I remember reading one of the part, Werewolves can never have a human mate.

1. Their creator or more like Goddess only paired them with their own kind.

2. It was against their own rules to take human mate. Death sentence.

So why in his right mind (if his mind worked at all) would he call me a mate?

More importantly why in the bloody hell was I so affected by him?

Thats when I noticed his instant stare like he was expecting me to jump up and down with the most happy expression on my face. He was expecting me to know, that was strange.

Mission: Catch My Mate [#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now