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"Seven Fenty, I can't believe you. Why are you not dressed?" Grumbling, I turned over and grabbed a pillow to cover my head.

"Chica, sé que me escuchas, despierta." Sometimes my best friend made me wish I wasn't half Dominican and didn't understand her. was Puerto Rican, but still she sounded just like my mother and put a sense of urgency in of me. It was programmed in my head to respond.

"What Lay, can't you see I had long day yesterday?"

"Yeah, you must be worn out from getting fucked senseless all day, huh?" I turned around and gave her a look, making her chuckle.

"Haha, very funny, at least I'm getting some. What do you want anyway?"

"What do I want? Did you forget that you had a job interview this morning?"

"A what?"

"A job interview? You know where you sit in front of a potential employer and answer his or her's questions?"

"Oh, that..." Throwing my feet over the bed, I stood up to go to the bathroom. Layela was hot on my trail, waiting for a response.

"Seven, what's going on?" Ignoring her, I grabbed my toothbrush and wet it, squeezing a line of Aquafresh on it's bristles and cleaning my mouth of last nights filth.


"Damn Lay, give me a chance to brush my teeth. Can I have five minutes?"

"Fine, but once you're done you have some explaining to do."

"Alright, Ricky Ricardo."

"You're not funny." She rolled her eyes, making me giggle. I know she was concerned but sometimes she could be a bit pushy. I know my history and choice of actions sometimes made her feel like she had to protect me and know what I was doing in my everyday life, but I needed her to fall back just a little.

After brushing my teeth, I took advantage of Lay being distracted on the phone and took a long, well-needed shower. I wouldv'e done it once I got home but the mixture of laziness and fatigue plagued my body. Once I stepped out, I moisturized my body and threw on a clean pair of joggers, a crop top and wrapped my hair up into a messy bun. I walked out into the kitchen/living room where Layela was still talking on the house phone.

"Uh huh...yes baby I promise. Don't worry about that, I said I promised babe. Don't blame anything on her, if anything it's my fault. Ugh, I love you but you drive me crazy, bye."

"Your man talking shit about me?"

"Yeah, but don't act like he doesn't have a right."

"Weren't you just defending me to him just now though?"

"Yeah, but I don't want statements to be false because of your own actions Sev. Listen, you're a grown ass woman and it's none of his business but I don't want him to get a bad impression of you. You're a good person, people who don't know you like I do are a little blind to that fact. For these next couple of weeks could you just pull it together for me, please? I don't want my man to think my best friend is reckless child because it's not true." Wow, so pretty boy Jace thinks I'm a reckless child huh? Well wouldn't his privileged ass know? I know how rich kids like him do, blow kilos of drugs up their noses then when they decide to straighten up look down on people who weren't guilty of half the shit they've done. But, because this was my best friend's relationship and she really seemed to like him, I'd chill like she asked me to.

"Fine, but don't expect me to kiss his ass or anything."

"Thank you so much Seven, and I would never. He's going to learn to respect you as well. We actually have a date tomorrow, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

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